
I don’t think of this guy as a dad. To me, in this moment, he’s just a man playing sports

I think your commenting name tells us all we need to know. Just disgusting.

I don’t know how he’s gonna get out of this one. They were probably the only people in there

I’d rather you save that kind of talk for your buddies at the old beer hole but thanks for sharing, I guess.

That was just a thought I had about how Subway bread is shaped like a human dick and has the length of an above-average dick, which is crazy when you consider the whole Jared situation. Just an attempt to bring some much-needed levity to a dark time. But go ahead and throw me under the bus if it makes you feel better.

I was already destroyed by this “FOOK YOU” character you all seem to love so much, so you can save your effort. I’ve had all the abuse I can take for one day

I literally can’t believe what I’m reading. To treat another person this way..... I’m a regular man just like you

Have I ever what? Who are you? I’m posting on a website.

I do personally have a problem with rudeness and especially crudeness, yes. Not to be short but I’m pretty sure I made that clear.

This is absolutely disgusting. I don’t see any option to “report” your post but hopefully the moderators are taking note and issue you a warning, if not ban you outright.

cool. let me know if it’s worth it

I hope you’re laughing because you think I told a funny joke and not to mock me and lower me as a person. I didn’t tell any kind of joke but it’s better than the pure, vile rudeness that I fear was your intention today

I don’t have any tolerance for rudeness and I don’t expect this site to subject anyone else to it if they can help it. Remove the post immediately.

An incredibly rude display. Please take this post down.

Thanks! That was just my interpretation; not trying to be rude to Rams fans, but I guess given the cyclical nature of team fortunes, we all get our turn to be the target of some lighthearted fun. Even the mighty Raiders and Bears of years past have fallen victim to runs of bad luck, and perennial losers like the

haha! as if the trials and tribulations of military life weren’t enough, now he has to watch a poorly-played football game involving a team that hasn’t made the playoffs in years. calling it a “sacrifice” is a bit of a stretch but it definitely gets the point across humorously. +1

agreed. when you consider their poor play and playoff drought over the course of the last decade, this would indeed be one of the few things Rams fans could “cheer for” as it were. +1

how much is the NFL supposed to give a shit about the military? what would it mean for them to give a shit?

Well, I guess it depends on your definition of beauty. For some, sure, Vince Wilfork in overalls is the most beautiful thing imaginable. Others would find true beauty in a different-looking man, or a woman or even an animal or object. I guess it all comes down to

He’s coaching the New York Islanders in heaven now.