
You seem hung up on rejecting suggestions because they won’t solve a majority of the problem. I acknowledge that most gun crimes are not mass shootings with assault rifles. Most are, I suspect, handguns.

There’s some guys over in the Middle East that we’ve been fighting for over a decade that apparently never got that message, you might want to shout louder so they can hear you.

Is your right to have an AR-15 really worth 26 dead children?

1). Imply someone is only concerned about their “precious fucking guns” and you’re not being respectful either. The rest of the noise is just pixels on a screen and meaningless to me. I realize you probably tend to see firearms owners like myself as aggressive children who flip out at the tiniest slight, but the

There are literally thousands of regulations and limitations on firearms, firearms ownership, and firearms sales. I won’t even ask you “What more do you want?” because I all ready know. You want a blanket ban on semi-autos, despite the fact that they’re used in less than 1% of homicides, because it would make you feel

Careful, you’re going to be accused of playing semantic games because you expect them to actually know what words mean instead of just assigning vague and nebulous characteristics to them.

Notice that all of your examples require that someone abuses a right BEFORE that right is taken away. Only the Second Amendment seems to be the focus of this “If we let someone have ______, they’re going to murder a bunch of people with it, so they shouldn’t be allowed to have it at all.” nonsense, even when the

Yes, if only someone had a gun at this event in ORLANDO (where I can guarantee you there were already several guns floating around)

The problem is gun owners think the solution to gun violence is even more guns enforcing the firearms laws all ready in place (like prosecuting straw purchasers), combined with traditionally liberal approaches like education, jobs programs, repairing the damage done to our social safety net so people have options

It’s good to see so many people who get this and how simple it is. Even though we’re sure to be hearing from the “Well what if I identify as a space monkey from Jupiter, hurr hurr hurr” crowd far too soon.

Tribalism is probably one of the uglier impulses humans still possess.

So your best bet is that the guy who drove for hours to stalk one specific person with the intention to kill her in front of multiple witnesses is going to have a sudden attack of uncertainty and demotivation if he can’t do anything as easy as pulling a trigger.

Most of the people that go on these daily killing sprees in the US would never be able to pass these requirements.

Don’t be ashamed to be a man. The idea that to be a man requires someone to be without compassion, empathy, emotion, understanding, and kindness is put forward by people who lack those qualities and lack the guts to fix those deficiencies in themselves. So, they label those deficiencies as strengths and find others to

So tell me the exact law that would have prevented this. And no piss-poor excuses about how you don’t know.

We’re waiting on a solution that’s actually a solution and not “FUCK YOU, GUN NUTS!” codified into law. Personally, I love how all the legal experts here know exactly what needs to be changed when we don’t even know the fucker’s name yet, let alone how he got his hands on a gun. I also love how people are acting like

Yeah I’m sure that this angry little scumbag would have become a shining pillar of the community if he couldn’t get his hands on a gun.

It’s amazing how her body isn’t even cold and people like you know exactly what laws need to be changed and/or enacted that would have prevented this.

Those stats are not more relevant the ones foryourinfodude presented unless you believe people murdered with something besides a gun are somehow less dead.

Fuck guns.