
No, this is the thread where liberals are gushing over the prospect of getting to elect Margaret Thatcher 2.0 as president of the United States.

Informing people would run counter to the purpose of the “awareness” campaign, which is mainly to frighten middle-class liberals into thinking they’re constantly in danger of being the victims of random shootings by white guys with “assault weapons” and 100-round clipazines. In the process, they’re actively pulling

Guns matter to you a lot more than murdered people ever will. That’s why you’re here blabbering about guns and stumping for gun control on a story that lists people who were stabbed, strangled, and fucking burned to death who are just as fucking dead as the ones who were shot.

Well remember, this is the same bunch that’s screaming that their First Amendment rights are in danger because another billionaire is using his buckets of money to come after them. But if the billionaire they like is going after the Second Amendment, that’s okay because gunz are bad and people who own guns are bad.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I mock the campaigns because they’re utter bullshit. Out of every single liberal cause, gun control is probably the one whose supporters display the LEAST liberal attitudes. Body shaming, toxic masculinity, gaslighting, appeals to homophobia, ageism, ableism, appeals to racism, every

That none of them (at least those listed the article) bothered suggesting people learn more or donate or get involved is just remarkably tone deaf.

I love it when you anti-gun folks savage each other over perceived violations of your holy dogma. The Gun Club is trying to be satirical by posting anecdotal accounts of random people doing stupid shit with guns, anecdotal accounts you no doubt WOULD think were the same as facts if you’d realized what they were doing.

I want more parents of boys to consider the benefits of feminism for their sons — because those are many — and for the society as a whole.

Sounds like you’re doing parenting awesomely right.

I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by the number of people who’ve been pushing back against all the really ugly anti-transgender memes popping up on firearms-related Facebook pages. Most of the responses are along the lines of “Transgender folks have been using the bathroom appropriate for them probably since

You’re better off. There’s no such thing as a productive conversation with a TERF, it’s basically just them yelling at you that transwomen are stealth men sent by the patriarchy to infiltrate and destroy womens’ spaces. I’m sure if you give her a minute or two she’ll start talking about gender reassignment surgery as

Unfortunately this is what mainstream liberals/leftists look like now; the same kind of empty-headed tribalism they attack the right for, hidden behind a facade of intellectualism. Everything the other side likes is bad, everything the other side hates is good. I used to say that I’d like to see Obama give a speech on

The better question would be, why is the US being compared to countries with much better social safety nets, much better employment and educational opportunities, and much better healthcare, yet the only difference focused on is guns?

Actually the original stat was that a gun in the home is 22 times more likely to kill someone who lives there rather than kill an intruder, which is a nice dishonest way to discount every time an intruder is stopped without being killed or even shot and to make it sound like people who own firearms for home protection

In this thread: people who believe the real problem with this country is that no one else in it is as smart as they are and everything would be so much better if all those dummies would just shut up and do as they’re told.

Yeah, I’m sure this fine, upstanding citizen who punched a five-year-old girl in the face and then tried to pin her sister’s death on her would never, ever have done anything awful if it wasn’t for that evil gun.

Still doing this I see. Disappointing. I used to respect you and the good work you did, going after the worst of the right-wing pundits on line. Now I’m watching you get taken in by what is essentially the left-wing version of the stories about POC loading shopping carts with steaks and lobsters, paying for it all

Well I can tell you that sometimes they call tech support for problems that aren’t hardware when software companies tell them to. I can’t remember if it was EA or Activision that threw us under the bus a few years back when one of their releases went pear-shaped, but they sent all their unhappy customers after us and

Eventually I came back to town and she just wasn’t in there anymore. There was no door! What the hell, man!?

And I feel very, very sorry for the respective Xbox/Playstation tech support call center employees once mods are available on console.