
The hell with this piece of human garbage. Either he stupidly ignored one of the most basic rules of firearms safety by blindly firing through an obstruction without identifying his target, or more likely he intentionally murdered her.

Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old father of five, convicted sex offender, and felon in possession of an illegal firearm

Hot take. Yeah if only there were no guns, I’m sure this murderously angry shitbag would have been the best husband and father evar.

Dear gods, no wonder people are terrified of guns. They’re not fucking magic. People miss when they shoot. They aren’t surrounded by an invulnerability field that only drops when they decide they want to die. They can’t see everything in a 360 degree panorama around them.

Us gun-owning liberals know that this argument to the absurd is a bit dishonest. Since 50% of women murdered by their partners were killed with firearms, what do you think the other 50% were killed by (hint: not swimming pools)? Bonus question: do you honestly think the 50% of abusive partners that are murderous with

Hey, someone got busted for child porn the other day, can we run surveillance on the computers of you and everyone you know without getting a warrant now?

You want that because you and the rest of your peers suck at risk assessment. Lowest estimates from gun-unfriendly folks like yourself put the number of legal firearms owners (you know, those people you assume are inevitably going to snap and randomly kill people) at about 30 million. If even one percent of that 30

Firearms owners are paranoid, but people who believe they’re sharing the country with 40-80 million incipient murders are perfectly rational and have a good grip on reality.

Yeah, I’d like to see what would happen if a bunch of Muslims decided to open carry in a public place in Texas. I mean, I wouldn’t like to see it, because it would almost certainly end in violence.

If we had stricter gun laws this woman would still have been able to get a gun to protect herself.

You’re assuming every victim of DV is a shell of a human being who is constantly abused and chained to a radiator in the basement.

There is nothing in that meta-analysis that mentions self-defense at all. I can only assume you arrived at that conclusion from the excrable Hemenway study, which was only able to “prove” that point by narrowly defining “self-defense” to exclude any use of a firearm that didn’t result in a death and by including

I’ve seen that meta-analysis before. It conflates the presence of a firearm in the home with access. There is absolutely no support in the abstract for the idea that women are secretly purchasing firearms to use against their abusers that are then turned on them. When you live with an abuser, there is no secretly

On the other hand, a significant number of guns owned by women are used against their owners.

Today’s liberals in general and the Gawker/Jezebel commentariat in specific still haven’t figured out that calling people names and slandering them isn’t actually a winning political strategy.

No, you lost the gun control war when you handed it over to people who are copying strategy directly from the anti-choice and anti-LGBT movements.

What they need to do is learn that the word “compromise” doesn’t mean “We get everything we want, you get nothing in return besides the certainty that we’re going to want more later.”. Probably also wouldn’t hurt if they could figure out that calling people names and demonizing them doesn’t exactly make them amenable

The anti-gun crusaders all ready use pretty much every tactic of the anti-choice movement with the exceptions of protesting outside gun stores and actual physical violence.

Awesome, maybe you’ll luck out and be the next Ronald Ritchie, since that seems to be what you’re going for.

No, actually I think at least half of this is well-intentioned but naive people thinking they’re making a difference. The other half, that’s entirely composed of nasty little shitstains who are only “liberal” due to accident of circumstances and who display the same fuck-ugly behavior their enemies do. You know, kinda