
Great but what about the 10s/100s of millions of guns already out there?

Well, if he bought it himself that means he either passed a background check or he got it from a private seller who either ran a check on him or didn’t care that selling it to him without a background check was illegal (in which case the seller should be charged with accessory to murder). It’s also possible he might

Tell us again how guns aren’t the problem, and how Americans should have every right to bring a weapon into a fucking restaurant. Say that to us one more fucking time.

I have no desire to see us elect our own Margaret Thatcher.

I know the feeling, I stumbled over Myrath when I was looking for folk metal a few weeks ago. Which is pretty much how I found folk metal in the first place, and now I have no idea why I never listened to it before.


They really are. When I listen to them at work, half of it is because I love the music, half of it is because I love the confused looks on my coworkers’ faces when the vocals kick in.

Okay, forget digging, you should probably stop shifting the goalposts so much before you throw your back out.

A shotgun is quite suitable for a spree, but not very good for a rampage.

I’m not going to laugh about it, but I will note that apparently he’s not immune to his own poison.

That’s OK since a shotgun that can at most load three shells (as per the rules that someone has posted below) would be pretty useless for a killing spree

Absolutely agreed. It is not a guarantee of stopping an attacker, but it is a chance. However I think you’ll find most of the people here believe that in an active shooter scenario, you would pull your gun and then every single shot would find its way to the nearest grade school and murder seventeen kids, after which

The 20/20 segment was horribly rigged. Unfamiliar weapon, bulky gloves, “concealment” provided by a long t-shirt that participants had to haul up in order to reach their weapons, safety gear that had the side effect of limiting vision and hearing, the “shooter” was a professionally trained instructor and not an

I am also in an unconventional relationship, and the people who disapproved of it turned out to have ulterior motives for doing so, basically intending to try and wreck it so they could pick up the pieces. The asshole you describe just sounds like the kind of person who shits on things because they can and because

The PLCAA only protects the firearms industry from nuisance lawsuits intended to cripple it financially. That’s it. That’s all it does. The PLCAA does NOT immunize the firearms industry from liability suits (as Remington could tell you). The PLCAA does NOT shield the firearms industry from being sued for negligence or

Aaaand I’m dead now.

Just once I’d like to see someone like you admit that issuing the kind of challenge you’re making here has squat shit to do with concern for the well-being of animals and/or humanity and everything to do with a need to feel superior to as many people as possible without having to actually do anything besides point

Oh I love jokers like you and your, “I have seen the true, savage face of the world and only I and people like me are fit to survive because we understand how things really work!” routine. It only lasts up until the point where someone stronger than you takes all your shit, then you’re calling the cops and crying out

No, I would hope you’d stop and think that maybe the assumption that anyone who likes and appreciates fine firearms must also be anti-choice is a tired stereotype little different than that of the reflexively anti-gun liberal.