
I’m sure you feel every bit as righteous in your hatred as the anti-choice crowd does.

As you’ve surely noticed, the small penis thing has become the go-to insult for moral scolds and crusaders of all stripes.

That’s exactly what I was thinking of when I saw this post. Doing that, you have a continuous and uninterrupted existence. It’s still you, and not a copy that’s just been created at the moment of or slightly before your death.

Dear gods I think that may actually be even dumber than seeing standard revolvers fitted with suppressors.

Thank you so much for that link, there’s some incredible stuff there.

Because the gun control crowd isn’t going to make the victims props for the “See, these five people survived this time so we need to heavily restrict/ban guns” argument that this article all ready made. The scumbag MRAhole in Isla Vista killed every victim he used a knife on, but most of the people he shot survived.

For a lot of people here, it’s not about fixing any problems, it’s about feeling superior and that’s it.

If all things play out as usual, this comment section will turn into a perfect example of why people in Kentucky might get the idea that Democrats don’t actually give half a shit about them.

More important is realizing that you shouldn’t eat or burn the brown paper that came in the box with your Saiga.

I regret that I have but one star to give this comment.

Absolutely agreeing with you on this for the basic reason of “The last thing I want to see if I walk up behind someone is the muzzle of a firearm pointed directly at me”.

That guilty feeling is a good thing, because neither of the two sides of the “Start shit all ready, and we’ll finish it!” equation have any fucking idea what that would do to this country. So, if you’re having pangs of conscience for thinking that it means you’re actually thinking.

I can actually see in the Jessica Rabbit one that her finger is laying against the frame and not in the trigger guard, but that first picture in the article looks like someone ‘shopped the fuck out of her hand to make it look like she doesn’t have her finger on the trigger.

And she’ll exploit it to push legislation that would have done fuck-all to save any of the lives that were lost.

Treatment is always going to produce superior results to imprisonment. This approach will also likely result in a lower rate of crime down the road, since fewer people will be busted for non-violent petty crimes that would then label them as unemployable, forcing them to turn to criminal activity to survive.

You just learned all of the information imparted by this article without having to actually be exposed to a firearm. There’s no reason a class in school would have to be different.

I don’t know, I think it’s cute how they believe they can control the conversation about firearms in the US by saturating the various Gawker media sites with horror stories. They don’t seem to have noticed that all it garners is the same ten or so people making the same brain-dead comments they always do (ie. “Good

And that’s why we can’t have nice things.

This would almost make me go back to doing customer service.

I don’t even think UT-Austin is going to give that much of a fuck. My prediction: the protest happens, nobody gets arrested because nobody really gives a damn if people want to wave dildos around on a campus full of adults, campus carry goes through anyway, the bloodbath of innocents with professors getting shot for