

There is such an organization.

So we have a mechanism to address private sales and gun shows, and it just needs turned on so to speak.

I would absolutely have no problem with this, provided an exception to the waiting period could be made for people who all ready own more than one firearm. Someone intent on shooting someone probably isn’t going to wait until that special gun comes on order if they all ready have one, and a straw purchaser won’t be

If I want to take out a bunch of folks, I don’t have to be particularly skilled in shooting. Just unlock, point, and squeeze the trigger. Instant shower of gunfire.

Caution in such a situation is fine and understandable. Absolute fear, however, is a product of ignorance. Especially here in the US, where 99.9% of firearms owners never cause anyone harm, yet people lose their fucking minds if they see a securely holstered handgun, or talk about how they’re afraid to leave their

So, the facebook story about an armed serviceperson being told to leave a Waffle House is debunked by... another facebook story. But I guess this one is more factual because it confirms the biases held by a lot of people here, amirite?

I’m always slightly bewildered by anyone who acts like a holstered or slung firearm is suddenly going to seize control of its owner and force them to slaughter everyone within range, so there’s that.

There are far too many people these days who confuse bigotry and racism. Yes, asshole anti-gun people, you can be (and usually are) bigoted against people who own guns.

And by “mother of a black eye” you mean “core-sampled the eye right out of his head”.


Yet we keep hearing about how the US is suffering from an “epidemic of gun violence” on other Gawker sites, commenters talking about how they’re afraid to leave their homes/visit certain states lest they be gunned down randomly in the streets, and general fearmongering that just doesn’t line up with the actual crime

It’s actually pretty simple. It’s a wedge issue that can be used to fracture voter blocs to their advantage. Despite there being generations’ worth of Democratic voters who own firearms for both sport and self-defense, the mainstream Democratic school of thought on firearms since about the 1960s or so is that firearms

Yeah, this kind of shit and other stories besides are why I laugh when people angrily insist that I don’t need personal firearms to protect my family and myself because that’s what the police are for. That’s not their job. Never has been. Some of them may do it anyway because it’s right, but their job is to maintain

I wish you luck on finding a place and hopefully a good roomie. The rental market in the PDX area is awful, my family and I barely found a place out near Tigard in time to avoid being homeless. Also, brace yourself for the phenomenon of “pet rent” for your pooch, but some places will waive it if she’s a companion

Public shootings, usually perpetrated by people who have issues relating to control or perceived powerlessness, are up in a time when any public shooting gets massive press attention and the perpetrator becomes a boogeyman figure to terrify millions.

Funny, I thought the reason we needed to ban guns was because they turned ordinary violent criminals into invincible super criminals who can’t be stopped in their murderous rampages until they turn the gun on themselves. I guess this one incident means we don’t have to be worried about that anymore, since a bunch of

Yeah I’m sure if there wasn’t a gun in that home, the guy who was having a psychotic episode would have just calmed down on his own without hurting anyone.

Honestly, the first thing I thought of was modding one with a slightly longer front section/barrel and a pump forend, like the KelTec KSG shotgun. Plus if I slipped while operating it, I’d have a reasonable expectation of not blasting my left hand into unrecognizable hamburger.