
"I continue to enjoy Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s performance; his character’s a monster, but Morgan is clearly CHEWING THE SHIT OUTTA THE SCENERY."

"Elba…Idris Elba."

Interviewed Mr. Moore back in 2006 for the release of "Lost Girls". I asked him about screen writing, Jerusalem and even got him to put his wife on the phone. If you can overlook my intimidation over interviewing a personal idol and my general geeking out you can hear it here.

"Hi Bob".

I apologize if I'm being obtuse, but I'm not sure I grasp your point. I just meant to share my personal experience with a person of discussion.
I think the worst incident I've encountered was an interview with Chris Jericho. During the interview I found him to be disinterested, condescending and arrogant. I didn't

Got a chance to interview VD after the release of Boiler Room. The man was fully engaged, generous with his answers and as personable and friendly as anyone could be. Knowing his history as a bouncer I mentioned I worked my way though college as bouncer and we ended up going about 30mins. past our scheduled time

"…commendably bloody but otherwise unwatchably boring Arthurian retelling Excalibur."

You are correct about Fleetwood Mac Live. Lindsey played his ass off. Although I'd guess a good bit of it was sweetened in the studio. Still, the picked intro to Over My Head still slays me.

What an affable guy and a very generous interview.
Nashville and Long Riders are pretty high up on my list.

I half way through Stephen R. Donaldson's The Illearth War, with the goal of re-reading the first two Thomas Covenant Chronicles and finally reading the Last Chronicles before the end of summer.

Reds = Lifetime pass

Ya know I bought the fill mini-series a couple years ago.
Still haven't gotten around to watching it.
Is it worth the time?

Sansa had already stormed off before Ramsey claims he hasn't fed his dogs in 7 days.
Of course it could've been relayed to her, I'm just sayin.

I think Olenna said her goodbyes last week and is not long for this world, but I want better than 15-1. Gimmie 30-1.


It's sad to see the same guy that made Moon is responsible for this.

Yara is one mean motor-boater.

The vow is "until death". Jon died. Service over.

Seemed to me that The Mountain was a little less lumbering and is developing a bit of a swagger in this ep. Don't know why, he hasn't shown that he has retained his fighting ability.
Let slip the mf'n Hound!

Yup, that twist of the dagger pretty much telegraphed as much.
It will be the waifs undoing even more so than failing to kill Arya.