
Generally, anything by Maria McKee will do that to me.

Dang, I never knew until today that Jim Gordon played drums on that song.

Girlfriend - Matthew Sweet, Solo by Robert Quine.
But really any lead Mr Quine laid down is stellar.
Do yourself a favor:…

"Come around"? Anyone with the opinion that he was ever
anything but "legit" can be dismissed straight away.

Hell yeah it is. And the opening riff is just sinister in the most nasty way.
Great guitar work.

Chris Stapleton's 'From A Room: Volume 1

Fucking Shkreli strikes again.

I truly hope that peanut top is lightly salted.

"Hell or High Water" sweep FTW.

To be fair, I hear the Craft Service table was shit.

Put simply, I enjoyed and admired Hell or High Water more than any other film I took in this year. Now…"What don't ya want?"

As far as I'm concerned, no Izzy=no GnR.. I just favored his contributions. IMO he brought the modicum of R&B. W/O Izzy, the might as well be Skid Row.

He seems to do it when he wants to emphasize cockiness.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's device of cocking his body backwards to deliver lines is making it incredibly difficult to watch. I may need to turn it into a drinking game.

I don't know why but I figured Oceanside was somewhere between Alexandria and Quantico, certainly no farther south than Fredricksburg. But Rt.1 is nowhere near as rural as the scenery we've seen.
Personally I'd like to know why if our heroes are just across the Potomac from DC, why have we not visited there?

The Jesus and Mary Chain : The Cain & Able Tour 2017.
Seriously, the over-under on one killing the other has to be what? 5-6 shows in?

Hey, why don't you tell me more about your sweet grandmother while I ESCORT YOU THE FUCK OFF MY GOT-DAMN YARD!

And yet Debbie Wasserman Shultz won.
Fuck this shit!