
Would somebody just run this by Yankton and get it fucking DONE!

The point is, magic not withstanding, THAT WAS A MORTAL WOUND.

Arya should have looked for a dumpster to hide under.

I dunno, if that shouldn't be a fatal stab to Arya's gut (especially with the twist of the dagger) I don't know what should be.

It's my hope Bay will be reincarnated as Mama June's tampon.

What the Hell were you drinking?

Can I get an over/under clarification? Named Characters or any "deaths"?
And by the by, are we not past due for a dead Stark?

Loves me some Social Distortion.

Thank you Mr. Cooke and RIP. The New Frontier has always been a favorite of mine.

Point well taken. Thank you.

Now, Snakefinger on the other hand…

Yet you claim The Residents are a favorite?
Not a slam, we all like what we like. I just find it an odd statement in conjunction w/ "Sinatra can't sing".

The Sound of Music. Admittedly, I first watched it out of context of the time of release, which I believe is an important factor in determining if or how much you like something. But I can't stand anything about it.

Again, not a problem.

Well, um, okay. I must really suck as a human being. I had no problems whatsoever with the Hand or how Asians were depicted in this season of DD. What do you expect from an Asian Death Cult? Would Sava have been more entertained if the Ninja had delivered flowers and balloons to the hospital?
For me, an absolute deal

because much like misery, assholes love company too.

I could go on and on about Prince and how much his music means to me, but I will say he was the most effortless guitarist I have ever had the pleasure to watch.

Numbness has set in. God, whydontcha just go ahead and take everything joyous from us now!
Just go ahead and fucking DO IT ALREADY!

Listening to Small Club 8.18.88. IMHO the best bootleg ever recorded.
Everything else sounds trite right now.