
Yeah. She's a goddamned waif.

Of what I've seen.

What disturbs me more is my apparent diminishing ability to spot an unclothed titty.

Naw man, when they dropped "The Message" in Cabinet Battle #1, I lost my shit. Good stuff.

Fuck cancer.

Vaughan's contribution to "Let's Dance" is worth the price of admission alone.

Points taken. Adler's approach to drums always reminded me of Slashes to guitar. They sound like they're going to fly of the rails horribly and them manage to save it at the last min. Kind of reckless like.

If you've EVER seen the original lineup live you'd know Adler can't keep time to save his ass. Sorum is a metronome.

Yep. I doubt they'll ever produce any new material even close to Izzy's stuff. But judging from the Ju Ju Hounds material he does struggle with lyrics.


It's just that I detest the theatre going experience. And by "theatre going experience", I mean the people in said theatre.


What's the over/under on how late GnR take the stage? Ima say 2.5 hrs.

Could be some people now see the big farewell as nothing more than a $$$ grab. I can understand that. I liked The Who at one time.

You can't deny Gillian's powerful singing, that's for sure.

I'll believe it when I see it (at least 3 and 1/2 hours late).

So…Ian Gillian vs. Ted Neeley.

Matewan FTW.

Jesus was a Democrat

If I can throw Toto into the mix, I'm with you.
And I also don't buy the "…and it's so well produced…" argument either. Well produced shit is still shit.