
"Simpson functions as a metaphor for the post-9/11 aggression of the U.S. military,"

LOL. Proof that comedy is truly subjective. Brand and Izzard are my favorite comedians.

I LOVED that ep of the Trews. I only wish it'd been a true back and forth debate.

I can'r speak on this film as I haven't seen it. But I can say that he's explained difficult concepts in a way I can grasp. So I can't help but be grateful.

Thanks for seeing my point. I can't claim to be the most informed person in the conversation, but I'll take enlightenment where ever or from whomever (who ever) I can find it.

I find it a shame that it's apparently become trendy to deride Russel Brand for his activism. His efforts, which have been considerably more than being just a mouthpiece, and concerns for those in a less fortunate position than him seem genuine and sincere. To me, his efforts are admirable if only because he's

"Colby Minifie’s cartoonish performance as Robyn doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of the series…"

Pardon if this has been mentioned, but….um…ear plugs maybe?

Why is there a pic of Killgrave on this article?

Having read Philbrick's book and enjoying it a great deal, I've been looking forward to the film since it was announced. Big Time.
If a harrowing high seas tale interests you read it but only after reading:

Bloviate much?

The term "jumped the shark" should be updated to "rolled under the dumpster".

Wrong. It's about wanting quality content as opposed to bullshit stunts NOW NOW NOW.

I think people were giving the writers the benefit of the doubt, as in they wouldn't do something as fuckin lame as keep Glenn alive after being prone in the middle of a hoard like that.
There's no "owning up" to thinking that professional writers or showrunners would do something that cheep and utterly fucking stupid.

From what I've read here, it epically failed to "fuck with" anyone.
I see it as a poorly executed, intelligence insulting, fuck the audience
stunt that I would guess has (or will) cost them a few ratings points.
The showrunners should really be embarrassed. I know I would be.
I didn't make it 1/2 way through the

Nope, was there when he whipped it out.
And your mom never complained.

Doesn't matter. As I understand it, my dicks bigger than Morrison's was.

Permanent Records is an ongoing closer look at the records that matter most.

Will do Dharma. Mucho thanks for the recommendation.

Yep, those were some wyley Nymphos with a purpose man.