
I happen to be on a Fuller kick. Just watched Steel Helmet and Shock Corridor
for the first time last night.

If their intent was to use Glenn and Nick fighting (and perhaps dying) from the top of a trash dumpster as a metaphor, then well done..

If their intent was to use Glenn and Nick fighting (and perhaps dying) from the top of a trash dumpster as a metaphor, then well done.

I'm glad I didn't need to read far before someone mentioned "audience manipulation"..That was more the topic of conversation with my friends last night than if Glenn was really dead.
"Serialized story telling" vs. intentional audience manipulation.

I don't find the opinion that women are not underpaid, but that men are over paid, offensive.

So, is posting a GIF a 5y, 10y or spot foul penalty?

Sorry, it was more of an emphatic STFU than an insult or diss.
My bad.

You (and Rick) still haven't convinced me that dealing with that horde wouldn't be safer and more practical while they are contained in the quarry than turning them loose. Better to attract them there than to Alexandria. Now it's a rodeo.

Judas Priest man, have you ever heard of "risk management"?
Doesn't sound like it.
And you're saying definitively that a fictional character in a fictional situation (involving zombies none the less) is "correct"?


"I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!" - Carter (from beyond the grave)

Haven't touched a Rock Band or Guitar Hero game since Rocksmith came out.

Huzzah! Break out the canned peaches and let's get at least to the first Deadwood fire.

this is pretty out of blue to me. I haven't even thought of the Boxcar Children much less read an article about it since I first read them back in the late 60's. Pretty crazy and out of left field.

Fuck the Hardy's, Encyclopedia Brown ate their lunch!

To frame this in a less absurd way, I have less use for "I Want You - She's So Heavy". Than any other Beatles song. But "Skippable Beatles" …pfft.

something tells me I'll save months on the back end of my life by not reading this comment section.


Best "Newswire" headline in a long time.
well donr

Brand does a GREAT job with The Trews.