
I believe that was the significance of tearing up the index card and throwing the pieces behind him as every guest sat down.

Ass Mode.

Personally, the open was one of the most emotional television moments I have ever witnessed.

Was this the same spending bill that in essence let the banks off for the housing crash?

Godzilla: Final Wars is batshit insane and a great time. Versus by the same director is great as well.


Did I say I was offended genius?

the arrogance and self-righteousness of this post just makes me want to troll it hard. asshole

Your claim to know what "anyone" will do or think is ridiculous. Kindly refrain from assuming you know what I or anyone else thinks.

Really? Peer pressure?
The only reason to read an AV Club review of any kind is for the thesaurus flaunting contrarian opinion…Oh, and there's the top shelf snark too.

I stand by my comment.

thanks, that cracked me up.

:….Grohl’s “Monkey Wrench”-era howl still has plenty of pep and the loads of guitar overdubs march in first-rate formation, complementing whatever hard, blue-collar rock-guitar riff is going to help plate the next played-to-death radio single. But it’s those fireworks and light-show moments that remain the Foo

How about this…."Hmmmm PERIOD…Hmmmmm PERIOD…Hmmmm PERIOD"

Gee, I wonder what the AV C's target demo is? Hmmmm.


Will a firetruck hose operate if the engine is not running?

Yes. But not at the same rate. Radio pays per-play. Internet pays per-person per-play.

I've always thought Cuoco-Sweeting made too many weird expressions with her mouth when she "acts" (fish faces), the haircut just makes it more noticeable.
Other than that I still think she's the hottest female on television.

Local Hero is my all time favorite film.
That is all. Thank you.