
diminished returns indeed.

Too much man-ass last night to be considered "boobtube" methinks.

If there's any justice, Nero, Wendy and Venus will be the only ones left standing.
Or at least I hope that's how it plays out.

i've cut this show more slack than anyone. But I think it's impossible to deny the negative comments anymore. But I don't consider the fact that I still watch "hate watching". It's more along the line of not wanting the time already invested to be wasted. At this point I'm only in for plot resolution. And I'm pissed

Yeah, having both Linn and Marks arrested? I find it hard to believe that any OMC would make that play.More like the "Lil' Bitches of Anarchy".
And Judas Priest was that Anarchy Afterward show an abortion. That host made Hardwick look like Lipton. "What was the worst thing your character did on the show?"
"What was the

nice call on Rat.

Anyone else think Nero and Wendy will end up together?

Hunnam's no smoker either. During his talk with Alvarez, he had half the cigarette in his mouth.


Bullshit. Sutter and the show owe you the viewer nothing.
If you find the show illogical or lacking common sense, common sense and logic should dictate you not watch.

My personal favorites are the hate watchers that constantly bitch about the extended show lengths. They truly need to meet Mr Mayhem or just fuck off and go watch The Voice.

What a fuckin' jam!

I was impressed with efficiency with which the MC took out the East Dub's.
Not only taking out the club that was tasked by Marks to take them out but
to use their dead carcases to impress/intimidate the AB…well, that's just some economical killin'.

Glad they did some much needed legitimizing of Eugene. Last season I was convinced

Johnny Quest & Kung Fu.