
Exactly! I don’t know what Chicago Ms. Hoepfner is talking about.

Yes, because so many gun fanatics - especially those with handguns and semi-automatic weapons - go out and kill all their food to ensure their families’ survival. Shooting cows and pigs is especially challenging.

He’s shipped with the Play of the Game announcer lady.

He first needs to rate how “attractive” he finds the teacher and then he can decide how upset (or not) to be.

And teacher’s unions are being disbanded while police unions are protecting killers of children.

I cannot believe the family’s are responsible for the health care costs of a child in the US. It is almost as bad as the gun thing.

Meanwhile cops get hailed as heroes and teachers get shit on as lazy and incompetent.

Nothing changed after the Charleston Church shooting. I expect the same level of apathy here.

If we can now sue other countries for producing terrorists, why can’t we sue the NRA for promoting gun culture in the US? All sarcasm aside, this poor child. I am seriously fighting back tears. Wish you recovery, little man. Stay strong :(

It’s called pulled pork and I’m curious as to why it’s an “abomination”.

People who shit all over teachers should keep educators like Meghan Hollingsworth in mind. Being shot in the shoulder is fucking serious and that she kept herself together to try to help the boy is *nothing* like what she was trained to do. It’s just the common personality trait of people who want to teach in today’s

Not quite true; when these events are horrific enough, we loosen gun laws.

don’t you know!? If those 6 year olds had been armed, they could have protected themselves.

Cue the “not guns, it’s mental illness” comments. I am so fucking angry.

And nothing will change about our gun laws. Shining city on a hill indeed.

I agree: perfect description! It’s almost like I felt this description was correct my entire life, but I wasn’t able to phrase it.

I was sort of with you on the last post but this is ridiculous. This man was in the middle of a break down. You have NO idea what was going on in his head. Erratic behavior is just that, erratic, not necessarily a grand plan to commit suicide.

Cops are always looking for excuses for their violence. It’s the same way that they will yell “stop resisting” whilst beating the shit out of someone then when you look at the video it turns out that the person being beaten was in the fetal position trying to protect themselves from the cops baton and boot.

If you think a vape thingy looks like a gun, I bet you’d make a great police officer.