
Or her doubling-down on the revolving regulatory door:


The NWS is telling people to leave. I dislike Shep but he isn’t wrong. People who stay out of stubbornness (and those people tend to be the same base Shep thinks he can scare into leaving for their lives) are going to die in huge numbers if the storm remains as the NWS sais it will.

I’m tired of protecting people from themselves. Darwinism is real, let the herd thin out.

But by all means stay in your homes since Shep says to leave. You’ll show him!

She had red hair. A tan just makes her look like an Oompa-Loompa.

I’d be hesitant to think it is “funny”...

Does it change your perception if I tell you I have a penis?

I think he shifted like everything after 9/11.

There is nothing more amusing than seeing a 5-foot-even woman (and sometimes man) behind the wheel of these huge trucks. Always makes me smile a little... like... “Yep... that’s the reality!”

Giuliani went batshit this year. Absolutely batshit crazy. He wants to be AG.

Except he didn’t. He was pleading for people to leave which is all he can do.

Look, just because you don’t like the guy doesn’t mean he isn’t 100% correct. The death toll here will be huge.

I seriously have never heard a more impassioned plea for people to do something to protect themselves.

Where is FEMA in all this?

FEMA should be there to protect citizens and keep them safe. I haven’t heard much of a lick about FEMA in all these discussions.

Really. Where is everyone supposed to go? A hotel inland?

That’s just not at all what I got from this. At all.