
I work in an office with a guy like this and it’s NOT the White House. He’s just a tall, decent-looking, white guy from Pittsburgh who is reasonably athletic. This is his first job out of law school. I’m a decade older than him. He treats me like I’m a fucking idiot weirdo (I’m sure he’s convinced he’ll bemuch more

So I just don’t understand why me responding to your comment doesn’t bring that comment out of the greys. Kinja is an esoteric beast.

Really? Where did the term pothead come from?

You can’t block people individually. You know what I meant I think. A blog can block you.


Let me save a lot of time and yelling.

Our Criminal Justice system operates on a series of checks and balances that allow for the theoretically (but we know not always) best outcome for all parties. “Justice is Blind” is not just a nice saying. Justice is not subjective nor is it deemed more worthy for some to have justice than others.

It’s fantastic... and that’ll all I’ll say!

I haven’t received oral in years. *sigh*. I give plenty, so I guess that helps.

Speaking of the Stones, Westworld’s first episode ends with an orchestral version of “Paint it Black” and I realized a few bars in that my partner didn’t even know the song. Sigh.

I want to be able to say “I’ve made my own pasta” :p Though everything you describe is why I always also say... “another day”.

Because they want to get with hot dudes and their sexuality isn’t threatening?

Awesome. Rape jokes!

Under the law?

I know. We should just raise the age of majority to 30. That way we can treat everyone like a child.

they were alerted to the attack after it was reported by a nearby hospital

Actual pasta takes far less time to boil than store-pasta. 3 Minutes for most strings. Goes to say it tastes and is better.

I feel more weight for shortcut “quick meals” than I do if something with effort comes out badly.

See, that’s where we just disagree. “Kraft stuff” is disgusting. At least to me.

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should