
This is typically done in many scenarios to preempt blackballing. For many corporations and government/gov contractor positions, more in depth background checks tend to look at various aspects of your college record in conjunction with other historical incidents. It can even be used as justification for refusing to

“if we allow corporations to land there before nations we’re creating a wholly owned corporate planet”

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

The bigger questions is, where is the profit margin in going to Mars? We haven’t identified one yet. SpaceX could eventually make profit transporting scientific and exploration missions, but what reason is there for people to live and work on Mars?

I want u 2 remember that no #bastard ever won a war by dying for his country #USAUSA He won it by making the other poor, #dumbbastard die 4 his country. lol #needmoreflagemojis

From second- and third-hand observation, I think you have a lot of Libertarians in NH. No sales or income taxes, and chock full of MA natives with one thing in mind: to have access to the MA economy without actually being subject to MA sales and income taxes.

I’m 100% sure Kellyanne Conway did her level best to drill into his head how devastating the misogyny is (those ads are killing him), but it just didn’t register. He doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a problem for women, who are more than half of voters, as well as thinking men, or those with daughters and

Yes! Dooseys face...uncomfortable shifting. Does this guy WANT to lose? (The answer is I think is that he wants to win, but he along with 65% or more of America and 95% of the earth will be relieved when he doesn’t.)

Even those fuckers at Fox are starting to realize the kind of monster they’ve created. We are truly living through some interesting times, folks.

I’m still stunned from the moment Trump doubled down on the concept of turning our armed forces into global mercenaries “we defend them? Let them pay for it” to the point that Hillary felt the need to turn to the camera and reassure other countries that no, contrary to what Orange Cheeto just said, the US will uphold

as someone with mental health issues of my own (diagnosed bipolar and also social anxiety), if your partner is unwilling to get treatment for their illness they are not fit to be in a relationship. (being ill bears with it a responsibility to seek and stick to treatment, if you want to have other people in your life.)

This times a million.

Thank goodness my doctor doesn’t take on patients who refuse to vaccinate their children. They have a notice that says due to the fact that they need to protect the health of their patients who are immunocompromised, very young infants, or medically unable to be vaccinated they will be unable to treat those people

Totally’s one thing to be weirded out by it, and even for journalists to say stuff like that. The police should not be editorializing about it.

It’s horrible but I understand. It’s hard for people to accept they have mental health issues because of the stigma. Also, medication may have weird side effects and cause other issues. We as a country need more funding to develop treatment for mental health.

Especially if it scares you into taking advantage of proper preventive care!

Also, dismissing experts in the field and instead going with non-experts who validate your personal beliefs.

yes. our nation is WOEFULLY lacking in critical thinking skills.

I’m both impressed and shocked at the readiness with which you had this link.