Blargh! I haven't let him cometh to my hearteth, that's been my problem all these years. Thanks, internet!
Blargh! I haven't let him cometh to my hearteth, that's been my problem all these years. Thanks, internet!
I don't think there's any problem using relationships as song material. My problem is with bashing one singer for doing it and not another. It seems to me that you're judging Swift's relationships, which is something I will not debate the merits of.
But where would the nunnery be if not in America and not outside of America? Where can I exist and be safe?!?!
This. All of this.
If the focus of Swift hate were on her singing ability, then yes, it would be. But Adele is revered as this great songwriter, while Swift is reviled here as a girl-basher who only writes about her relationships. Their material is very similar (Adele wrote an entire album about her break-up with one dude), and both of…
YES, particularly regarding Adele. I don't see much difference between her and Taylor Swift, to be quite honest (other than Adele has a much better voice, of course).
Yes, yes, yes!
He literally just said whatever he felt like saying, without taking any of her actual comments or responses into account. Uggghhh.
"You aaare saying, in the skin they're in now, they're too fat."
Seriously! In my Women's Health Activism class, I seemed to be the only one who didn't want to shame women who had a c-section. Such women include my mom, who very willingly had two. It's not for every woman, but it is the right choice for some.
Yes, let's assume we know everything about Rihanna and her relationship. We're all so qualified to decide why she's staying with her abuser.
Well, this explains quite a lot.
Thailand is amazing, but that aspect really sickens me. I try to remember that things are different here, and that some of the bar girls actually do enjoy that lifestyle and kind of employment. But UUUGGGHHH I generally see the women at such a disadvantage in these situations.
Oh, how I wish SO MUCH that I could explain Thailand. Normally, I shrug things off with, "Welcome to Thailand," but that doesn't really work in this case.
Haaahahaha! I was going to respond to your original comment, "Um, you realize that it was mocking the creepy white guys who take advantage of the horribly disadvantaged Thai bar girls, right?"
Traveling alone is the absolute BEST. I am a 24-year-old American woman currently traveling by myself in Southeast Asia. I started in Australia/NZ when I was barely 22 and fresh out of college, then came home and worked for a bit. Began my RTW trip this past fall and intend to keep travelling by myself in Asia,…
"Kate Upton Abbey"
Oh gaaawwwddd I love Wide Sargasso Sea!
YES. Pretty sure that Kloss' style has been around since, oh, the 1920s, and that its resurgence in popularity started several years ago.