Eric @

They’re compromised options. The old Leaf’s range is too short to be useful. The eGolf is based on an ICE platform/design. All good EVs were clean sheet designs and the ones that hold residual value have ranges on the higher end of the spectrum (ex: Tesla Model S) and/or they’re scarce (ex: Tesla Roadster).

He’s not lazy, he’s social. Very social. Painfully social. He’s also approaching retirement age (but will never be able to afford it), has medical conditions that will soon make him unable to work in his current field (it’s surprising he is even alive, honestly, let alone that they’ve allowed him to do what he does

Yeah, that’s the vision I have for my dad. He’s super social, has heart problems, and really needs to retire, but would likely still need a job, so it seems like the kind of thing that would work well. He also has some interest in cars, so finding a gas cap for a customer sounds like something he’d do...

But the boot around it wouldn’t have been compressed. How did it allow another pull to dispense fuel if it was out of the car?

Yeah, I fail miserably at this whole celebrity thing. Not watching much TV (mostly just when people excitedly tell me they want to with me) and few movies will do that to you.

These make the years it took to get my car seem reasonable. I didn’t see this original post before the retrospective, so here I am to give my tale:

They’re painted white because it hides the poor outside maintenance and therefore it’s practical. Doesn’t make it a worse color. See my original comment.

May look worse. You can almost ignore the PT. This is just tasteless.

Definitely the sketchiest people available, especially in Portland. They can be entertaining colorful local characters in small towns, but I think a lengthy criminal record and hard drug abuse are requirements for the job in Portland. Handing them my card terrifies me.

Considering the rarity of minorities in the area, it isn’t really. Portland is disturbing due to all the transients legally sleeping on the streets, but most of them are still white, similar to the overall population. In fact, they might be even more white as Asian transients are rare.

The last part is why I’ve long thought it would be the perfect job for my dad. I’ve encountered cool ones in small towns along the coast and it would fit his personality perfectly. Some actually like cars, too, and notice if you have an unusual/interesting one.

I am not sure what they have in Canada, but my CSP gets me a better exchange rate than anything else I have in my wallet, with no foreign transaction fees at all. My debit cards get mediocre rates and I tend to pay fees to use them (at least to a local bank wherever I happen to be, except in places where that is

NO PENNIES?! I will miss those little copper visages of the queen with a maple leaf on the other side.

As a funny aside on the original topic, the last post-pay gas pump I’ve encountered was in Oregon a couple years ago. They apparently didn’t bother upgrading/changing because they employed people to pump gas anyway.

I question this story, but will give you the benefit of the doubt. I’m very surprised that Canada, especially in a major city, would allow a nozzle without the fume recycling and interlock feature like they have at every station in California. Most states in the US don’t mandate them, but I could have sworn even small

Most Americans have never left the country.

Safeway has a coupon app. I scan shit and it applies coupons to my account (registered with an address and phone number I haven’t lived at in years), then I punch in the old phone number and it discounts all these items. Pretty sweet. It’s like cheater couponing.

You use them when they’re empty and the only checker has a line. They’re fast if you can manage it...

One was the dad from Mr Robot, I think. There was also the Shat and Morgan Freeman. The guy immediately after them looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it.

Although I didn’t instantly recognize any of the celebrities above, I do recognize this guy.