Eric @

So you’re 54, placing you solidly in Gen X, which the comment starting this thread points out had twice the wealth of a Millennial today. Congrats on being born at the right time, you remind me of a Boomer with these ridiculous stereotypes and assertions.

People have been reporting sales of Focus STs for more than their used purchase price a year ago and mine is theoretically worth only about $4k less than I paid for it brand new 5.5 years ago. In Mint, both our cars have been rising in value since the beginning of this year.

People have been reporting sales of Focus STs for more than their used purchase price a year ago and mine is theoretically worth only about $4k less than I paid for it brand new 5.5 years ago. In Mint, both our cars have been rising in value since the beginning of this year.

Wow, yours are terrible. The one time I’ve used them was for Costco, where they did an exceptional job. If it wasn’t available, it wasn’t purchased, and not only was it flawlessly executed, but we estimated that it got to us faster than if we had we gone to the store ourselves... On the other hand, Costco has a close

I totally agree. You’d be hard pressed to get a consistent 7.5% discount on groceries from earlier this year, too. Even 4.5% off on all restaurant purchases is pretty good (which is the same as it is on travel, in theory). It’s too bad the redemption rate will go down.

You’re playing into their game; the things you’d spend points on are things you’d also earn 3x points on, so you have to subtract that from your redemption value. PYB was the best way to leverage points on those grocery purchases at 5x points, though, as you’re unlikely to ever get that kind of discount otherwise on

You’re playing into their game; the things you’d spend points on are things you’d also earn 3x points on, so you have to subtract that from your redemption value. PYB was the best way to leverage points on those grocery purchases at 5x points, though, as you’re unlikely to ever get that kind of discount otherwise on

Except your straw man is missing the fact that most vehicles sold today are quite large, heavy, and expensive.

Almost all cars have electric power steering and wheel angle data these days, so I’m surprised that almost none have back wheels that steer anymore. It was hard back when they had full mechanical versions of this, since you want rear wheel steering reversed when changing lanes.

You might call me one of those, as I work for a large tech bro attracting company and I haven’t even seen any wandering around being driven by chauffeurs. Considering all the other cars in the lots (you’d think a $200k 911 was a Toyota Corolla and $150k loaded GLS AMGs were Honda CR-Vs), it’s clear that these are not

It keeps you in a new/reliable car, some might do it for appearances, some because they rely on them, some due to mileage. If I lived in the far-flung areas people commute in from around here, I’d lease a cheap car just for commuting.

You need an online savings account. Even Capital One is paying 1%. Still would be nothing at about $20/month, but a lot more than you’re getting now.

The interesting bit from the literature is that the hybrids can reproduce, therefore they really are a new species, unlike the many hybrids that are sterile.

On Chrome there are 5 tabs, 14 processes, and just over 1GB of memory in use. On Edge I have 5 tabs (more complex ones), 14 processes, and roughly 575MB of memory in use (and dropping, in the time reformatting took, it is down to 13 processes and 463MB of memory). Chrome is also using about 500MB and 10 processes in

You can run pi-hole in a container, so you could even run it locally if you wanted. It’s not fabulous about blocking stuff, though, and sometimes makes links that go through some ad network (like google) not work at all. It can be mildly frustrating.

I wish they’d make a full EV to compete with the CyberTruck. The concept of the CT is great, but it’s so strange looking that I’m not sure many would want to take that leap. Make it as normal as this but with a decent range and it’d be great. Plus the benefits of EV would be tremendous off-road where crawling requires

With those conditions, every one of your insurance policies should have the line “Full safety glass” somewhere on them.

Having driven a new Explorer, you can’t tell that it’s RWD or AWD. Just as it’s really hard to tell some cars are FWD, the electronics take all the feel and danger of oversteer out of RWD on most cars, particularly large ones like this.

One of my first thoughts was how illegal most of those guns would be in California if they were still operable.

Sure, but if you have a bad liver, would you want a transplant from someone else with a bad liver that is a couple years younger?