I'm having a very hard time visualizing a mature, rational adult sitting at their computer and saying, "yes, this is clearly a witty, well thought out response".
I'm having a very hard time visualizing a mature, rational adult sitting at their computer and saying, "yes, this is clearly a witty, well thought out response".
I mean, cars are definitely a part of anybody’s image, whether you’re a businessman who needs a Mercedes Benz or a gangster who needs a donked out Caprice.
To be fair, it was gifted to him in that state- he didn't modify it himself.
Yes, the average metal musician is outclassed by the average jazz or orchestra player. Ultra-technical Berklee grads like Dream Theater represent a very, very small percentage of the number of metal bands out there.The average professional jazz or orchestra musician is required to have a music degree to play with…
Knowledge, or the lack thereof of music theory does not count towards or against legitimacy or “talent” as an artist. Maybe the average rapper is outclassed by even the average metal musician in theory knowledge and instrument skill, but the average metal musician is still outclassed by the average jazz musician, and…
The fact that you think that no rapper ever has ever dealt with concepts as basic as tempo changes, and double vs half time indicates that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Not to mention the fact that you bring up Freddie Mercury as your example of a great lyricist, and think that most rappers have…
What makes you think I’m posturing? Honest to god, you’re just going in circles cos you’re too stupid to comprehend anything that doesn’t fit within your narrow worldview.
The voice is a musical instrument, and can be used to create notes and melodies.
Why would I be posturing about being “woke” when there’s nothing to gain from it on a more conservative site like Jalopnik? I’m defending rap as a musician and listener. I used “intelligent” in quotes to clarify it in what I thought were your terms- even the “womanizing, wifebeating” rap you were shittalking has smart…
C’mon, man, “goddamn SJWs ruining my discussion” is a copout dismissal to legitimate criticism of your point, and basically admits that you have no idea about what you’re talking about, and that you aren’t smart enough to handle actual discussion. If you want a conservative circlejerk, go to the Fox News comment…
Considering that black people have been stereotyped as violent, dumb thugs since the civil war, I’ll cop to calling it racist when someone uses said stereotypes to dismiss a black artform.
You’re right- I don’t care how many country artists brag about their trucks and their woman, I’ll never buy a pickup.
Are you going to say drummers aren’t real musicians either, cos they don’t use notes or melodies?
Hate to tell you this, but those themes are really common in music in general- the Rolling Stones, for instance, were drugged out maniacs who wrote a significant amount of music about women and their newfound fame and riches. Not to mention the fact that John Lennon was a wifebeater, among other things. Don’t get me…
Oh man, thanks for reminding me that Kids These Days existed. Shame they broke up after only one album- I thought Vic was at his best with them.
Like it or not, good rappers do need to have a key understanding of rhythm and lyrical structure- they can’t rely on sustained notes to pad out their verses, unlike singers. If you have any knowledge of music theory, you’ll know that even the most rudimentary of rap verses stays within the constraints of four bar…
That’s a really stupid and vaguely racist way to generalize an entire genre of music. Rock bands like the Stones bragged about women and money all the time too, and there’s plenty of “intelligent” rap- Kendrick Lamar exploring the cycle of poverty, Killer Mike discussing the impact of Reagan’s war on drugs on police…
You’re an idiot. There’s a distinct difference between an offline device using your phone to place a 911 call if a certain threshold is exceeded, and a device actively broadcasting all your data to the evil gubmint for some reason.