The Yellow Box

and from dog house to outhouse.

So is the saying now, "By the skin of the scrotum"?


For as bad as the NFL has been off of the field, they've been pretty damn fun to watch on it.

Louren's (6 in red) face says, "Ooooohh Dammit."

Can we just have ONE week where I can enjoy my shameful sports in peace? Seriously, I'm halfway to ragequitting sports altogether.

So I guess there's no running from this one.

It's like his body knows instinctively that what he's saying is utter bullshit!

So... "The Bad Touch" gets a whole new meaning then...

This is so wrong... and yet I'm laughing.

Can we call this photo a Cincinnati Steamer?

Dickish boxer acting like a repulsive dick? Stop the fucking presses. Although to be fair, God, public opinion, the court system, common sense and decency in other people can all judge you; they just hand out different sentences.

Keith Olbermann serves a sear-roasted NFL with a side of Roger Goodell's credibility and some delicious Haterade.

Italian Wine Cops... sounds like a hipster band.

I'm a Baltimore native, and even I can't defend these imbeciles. There are bad teams, awful teams, and then the Ravens. The quotes in this article are just reprehensible.

+1 pair of sunglasses


TL; DR: "We screwed the pooch on this, because we took a player at his word"- Steve Bisciotti.

I got chills from reading this. As a Ravens fan, I feel duped, and I really don't know if I can watch the team this season. You nailed this article, and thank you for taking a shotgun to the NFL's (and the Ravens') handling of Ray Rice.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I am wondering how many people thought that Ms. Palmer's knockout was as much a result of Janay Palmer hitting the railing as Rice's punch, rather than Rice going Mike Tyson on her.