Ugh. I clicked on that link to her blog and holy cow, batman. Its like a parody of a basic white girl blog. So skinny. So blonde. So vanilla. The basic-ness is so strong. The whiteness is stronger still.
Ugh. I clicked on that link to her blog and holy cow, batman. Its like a parody of a basic white girl blog. So skinny. So blonde. So vanilla. The basic-ness is so strong. The whiteness is stronger still.
It really means “I am a basic bitch who watched Sex & The City and learned that cupcakes are the utmost in girly guilty pleasure food, and that cashmere was the utmost in quality clothing”.
And by additional she means, the rest of the regular sizes. Not plus sizes. Regular sizes.
Fig leaves. Animal skins.
Basic as HECK.
“If you have to be extraordinary, be extraordinary.”
The joys of being biracial. People can never get your ethnicity correct.
I'm biracial and this happens to me a few times a month, with the offender typically being a retail sales associate.
Not to be one of those people, but that's Jessa in your photograph, not Jill.
Stockholm syndrom. I almost feel bad for her.... she was basically indoctrinated into a cult from birth.
This is actually a common comparison among ultra-conservative fundamentalist Christians, sadly. I've seen it pop up on Facebook and have had great fun tearing it to shreds.
Oh no. Here's how being a religious, God-believing person works. You go and you pray to whatever form of God/representative of God you believe in. Then you go and you live your life in a way that speaks to that belief. Then you SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.
Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled into thinking that she believes that the removal of embryos is as bad as killing a human being. What she really means is that the killing of Jews is as serious as killing a 5-week embryo. TRUST me. That's how much she cares about the killing of Jews, Roma and gay people. Very little.
Last week, Duggar No. 5 (Jessa) and her husband visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Most normal people…
I'm going to start this real slow and lay out the facts: Knotting is a popular trend in fan fiction. It involves men…
Unfortunately, a lot of J. Crew clothes already fall apart in the wash. :( I dig tissue tees and cute cardigans as much as everyone else, but I seriously do not want to be hand washing every single thing that I get from them. I think the quality ship must have sailed on J. Crew a long time ago.
This cannot be a surprise to people.