
That sucks. I mean, it really does... but, that's retail? I worked in a gift shop last year and I worked 5 hour shifts on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day (I believe they were 10 am - 3 pm shifts, maybe one was 12 - 5 pm). I got time and a half and everything, but what upset me was that as a full

Indian Moon by State Radio... sweetest song ever, apparently written for a friend's wedding... ugh it's beautiful and the lyrics are amazing and it makes me wish I ever felt that way about people! :)

I've heard nothing but amazingness about American Horror Story, but I cannot watch scary things so that's a no go for me... Holding out hope Grimm might get better (I have liked the newer episodes better than the pilot), but since it's being aired on Friday nights I doubt it will stick around for too long? IDK...

Yeah, I think that's my problem - I LOVED 10th Kingdom and I think the concept might work better as a mini series than as a full series... IDK this might be the vodka talking crap! :)

I watch all three of these too... glad someone else likes/watches Hart of Dixie! I am not so into Grimm and I like the concept of Once Upon a Time, but it seems so slow in developing to me? Wow, I watch too many tv shows...

Yeah, Revenge is why I put bad in quotes! The other two are just plain bad, but Revenge is so deliciously entertaining... I thought I was going to hate it, I don't really love the actress who plays Emily/Amanda and I thought the previews looked so stupid, then I watched the pilot and it's now probably the show I most

What are your favorite "bad" tv shows that are currently on? I am loving

Seriously? An Irish coffee is a coffee with whiskey added...

please invite me for that... pumpkin pie is THE BEST .... anytime... anywhere..


Haha... well I guess at least he's trying... But seriously... I would totally visit my Jess in NYC after he got sent back even though it was my mom's graduation and NO ONE WOULD UNDERSTAND OUR LOVE... wow I need to buy more than the first 2 seasons on dvd so I can relive everything...

Oh I don't lick it off, I scrape it off with my teeth... bonus points if I find a corner and can pull it off in one go... does that repulse you more or less...? haha

Excellent ... I'm there with my flannel and paperbacks... ugh seriously, where is Jess in my real life

this is my second favorite way to eat them...

How do you eat oreos?

Hearted for everything in your comment... :)

I love the ones in the top row and the middle one in the bottom row... you should definitely set up an etsy shop I wish I was talented enough to make awesome jewelry, but I'm not so I would probably buy yours...

Happy Birthday! coaster-mitten seems like a cool thing to be... functional in so many situations...

Haha thank you for sharing! I love Andy Samberg an embarrassing amount... and this reminds so much of my friend's douchebag boyfriend... :)

One of my biggest fears is flipping through radio stations, not finding anything I like and accidentally settling on a Christian rock station...