
I am drinking (hard) cider out of an old (washed out) pickle jar and it's kind of perfect because the way the jar is shaped keeps the ice from smacking me in the face.... Anyway my favorite MLS team was YET AGAIN a let down tonight, but I am focusing on the fact that my 2nd favorite team won tonight and looking

mmm I LOVE Cinnamon Spice... Harney & Sons is sooo good.

that sounds awesome! have fun!

I'm a Thermos! Well I do love soup and chemistry...

umm what is this?! Chik'ns are my favorite, but I just nuke the patties and put mustard on them... would love to add some variety to my food...

Clothing can't be oppressive. If you're forced to wear clothing of any kind then you are being oppressed, but the clothing itself isn't oppressing you. The idea that every woman who wears a burqa or niqab is oppressed is backward. I think I get what you meant, but yeah... not the right way to say it.

Canada definitely seems friendlier! and cold in the clean, crisp way, like you would be outside snowboarding and having snowball fights with all the delightful Canadians... haha. I am from the Northeast, but living in the Midwest... not loving it :/

I want to move to Canada too! I have only been to Toronto and I LOVE it there... I think it's a tech-y city (this info based on the fact that when I told my mom I was visiting she said oh, Toronto is where all the computer viruses start... beware of hackers! haha I don't know what she talks about half the time...),

Thanks! I did that too actually... graduated in 09, lived at home and worked in food service/retail for 2 years and then decided I needed to go back to school... I am enjoying the work, just struggling with the social aspect. I guess it'll fall into place ... I just keep telling myself I can transfer after this year

Also, is your username a ref to "The Second Coming"? If so, I love it/you... I wrote my English dissertation on Yeats because that's my favorite poem... if not, carry on... haha

"Frankly, I deserve better! I am owed an invite, dammit." < Love this. I honestly don't think this guy is that great (or even THAT attractive, I mean he's cute, but... eh) I am just so starved for social interactions and so far my two options are him, who at least seems capable of having fun, and a guy I met in class

I'm at school, but it's a weird situation in which I'm getting a second degree so I'm in my mid 20s and everyone I am in classes with is pretty much 18-19. I really need to get a part time job, but I think I missed the boat and they're pretty much filled now... It also doesn't help the school I'm at is located in a

If you enjoy spending time with her, could you try to accept the fact that she is a flake/busy and while not going out of your way to arrange your schedule to see her, just see her whenever. I mean, don't write her off completely, but don't count on being able to spend time with her either? FWIW, not sure if this

So, I moved to a new town in August and I have basically no friends. I met this one guy a couple weeks ago when I was very drunk and we exchanged numbers. I may have told him I thought he was really cute. We saw each other again last Saturday randomly at the end of the night and he said I should text him to hang out

No, I never have and I used it *quite* regularly for a period of time. My friend and I did lose 5 hours one morning/afternoon in a club... we sat on some chairs around 9 am and all of a sudden people were walking around clearing up rubbish and we realized it was 2 pm and the club was closing... but it was ultimately

(meaningless ramble) I meant to wake up at 7 am to go for a run... but instead I stayed up till 5 am and then slept till 11 am ... Then I meant to go to the computer lab to do the 3 weeks of tutorials I'm behind in ahead of my exam on the class on Thursday, but instead I ... did absolutely nothing (well I watched

I'm fairly certain you don't need to be registered to go to A&E or a walk in centre. I know this because I did not register during the 3+ years I lived in London (I meant to, I just have this overwhelming fear of doctors/medical centres) and on the several occasions I needed to visit A&E or a walk in centre I was

hearted for the 6 year old ice cream... I'm thinking about just leaving mine here for whoever moves in next haha

see this is how my best friend's house was... so much food... and I always assumed when I lived on my own I would acquire this amount of food too, but apparently I am my mother :( ... It's just so expensive to stock up / maybe I eat too much too quickly... haha

What's in your fridge/freezer right now?