
“Not naming” Hardwick is a cop-out. She very clearly described him, and their relationship was long-term and publicly known. “Hmm, which years older, successful podcaster in the nerd communities has she dated? I just don’t know! If only she gave his name!”

She didn’t and hasn’t named Hardwick, correct? This is something that has bothered me about this particular incident — she published this essay (good for her, and it’s terrible she went through this kind of relationship) but didn’t name the abuser (okay, her choice) but then everyone piled on the guy they assumed she

This women is just so disingenuous, first she accuses “a mildly successful podcaster to a powerhouse CEO of his own company.”) like everybody wouldn’t figure out is was chris hardwick, c’mon. Then she was like I have evidence of abuse but I’m not going to release it and I’m taking a break from social media cause I

At the end of the chapter on this administration in the history books, the last sentence will be “...The Aristocrats!”

Also a good time to let people know how dangerous caving is and shouldn’t be done without proper education/experience/supplies, particularly on a whim with a large group of children.

So I’ve heard 3 theories - 1 is that she has built up scar tissue after getting fillers so regularly (every 3 months) for so long, hence her lips are bigger than before. 2 is that the stuff to dissolve the filler didn’t dissolve all of it, so there’s still some in there. 3 is of course that she’s lying and is just

Amber Tambyln is not her husband’s keeper. That being said, I don’t think she should keep her husband...

While I do think it’s right to expect an activist like Tamblyn to be talking to her husband when he fucks up, I also don’t think we should expect her to be able to perform the miracle of being able to transform her oaf into someone properly woke or to air their marital disputes on these issues in public.

Yes. Repeatedly. And I think we are going to fucked for at least 40 years. Oh, and not only did Bernouts want to pretend that control of the Supreme Court didn’t matter, 12% actually took revenge on Hillary (and the rest of the country) by voting for Trump. They made Trump president to spite Hillary.

Men don’t care. They never did. As long as they’re white and straight, this doesn’t affect them at all. 

Fuck her, she should have retired January 2013.

We should Westworld RGB, Kagan & Sotomayor 

A lot of my guy friends told me I was crazy on election night because through my sobs I was saying “they’re going to take away our healthcare, they’re going to take away Roe, they’re going to take away gay marriage.” This shit is real, this shit has consequences.

Live babies make dead soldiers. 

What’s her blood type?  She can have anything of mine she needs!

To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.

Honestly, conservatives’ obsession with abortion is baffling to me.

Fuck everyone who didn’t vote for Clinton and fuck everyone who called women single issue voters.

SCOTUS’ new collective attitude seems to be: Fuck all y’all.

Goodbye abortion rights...