
Looking at other photos, I think he has regular sized but slender hands. His face is oddly shaped and long, which creates a distortion when we mentally process the image of his hands next to his head. He looks like a Hapsburg king, right before their lower jaws got all underbitten. See Charles of Spain

Someone’s found their match!

Exactly. These Wannabe Vulcan guys are all the same... They’re scared of what they’re feeling, so they put on this hysterical “I’m rational and emotionless, I’m not like you weak humans and your feelings” front. But it’s always a facade that comes with a wobbly lower lip, because what they think sounds like

Duuuude, Brody & Driver are babes to me! However, this JP from Grandma’s Boy looking mf is not a babe.

It completely baffles me how the people who scream the loudest about free speech have the least idea of what it actually means.

“While I strongly support trying to understand how and why people think the way they do, relying on affective empathy—feeling [emphasis: mine] another’s pain—causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous biases. Being emotionally unengaged helps us better

His general physical appearance looks like he may have Marfan syndrome, which is a general lengthening of physical characteristics. Here’s a picture of Bradford Cox of Deerhunter, who has it and resembles him somewhat:

And such a weirdly specific one! I like it!

He is every Incel forum brought to life. He probably spends his idle time worrying about the length of his philitrum.

Well nobody is banging Stephen Miller.

It doesn’t even seem like a tough call, she’s on record at having dated three members of the administration or campaign. This is a point where, if her fellas weren’t such reprehensible villains, I would say that it is kind of normal for a single person, working a high stress, time consuming job in their twenties to

I’m an Old (41) and I assure you skinny jeans didn’t exist in the 90s. Flared jeans, bootcut jeans, and wide JNCO style was about all you had to chose from in the mid to late 90s. Oh, and tapered jeans but those were deemed hideous by most.

Never forget.

Thank you, me too.

Hi! Friendly neighborhood litigator here! This isn’t so much a burn on Taylor as it is an accurate statement of copyright law. You can’t copyright short, commonly-used phrases, because that’s not really what the law is intended to protect, and the law shouldn’t be used to create monopolies on super-common phrases

Accountants gonna fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge...

Judges gonna judge.

My ex and I got in an argument once, because I touched his phone. He shoved me down on the bed, and strangled me until I blacked out. Then he let me go. Eventually, that evening I called the police. I still remember standing on my back porch, 1am, crying, saying I didn’t want to press charges, I just wanted them to

In Phoenix, the local prosecutor created a program where nurses are on call to do immediate (and free) specialized examinations for strangulation victims. The program has lead to more felony arrests and convictions for DV offenders.

My ex was a black belt in mixed martial arts, focusing on grappling, and a city councilor. When he realized that punches leave bruises that anyone can see, he moved on to strangulation with me. The cops are a joke. I was expected to leave my entire life behind and go on welfare with 3 kids at the time; meanwhile he