
Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

“She was a defective incubator, so now she’s on the sidewalk waiting for waste management.”

but... but.. God spoke to him... SMFH.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

So it was more than a little bit jarring to hear no mention of the plight of the woman—who remains on the streets without a lifeline—and instead see journalists and politicians praise the selflessness of the couple,

Does anyone think this was basically blackmail? Given the fact that he was a cop it would be implied like this: “Give me your baby, or I’ll arrest you for shooting up, or wait a while until when I make sure you’re charged with child endangerment, and probably adopt your kid when Child Protective Services takes it from

I wondered when the #metoo movements reach would get around to the gay porn industry.

How we got here is pretty simple: one political party decided that winning was more important than anything else. Morals, conviction, policy; all of those went out the window so they could have their man in charge. A conscious decision was collectively made to abandon all rules because a black Democrat beat them at

Drawing him as a cat is an insult to cats.

And a lot less of it.

She’s a mastermind at *squints* doing what the first lady normally does?

Her and Ivanka get this pretty white women force field that shields them from their own shitty behavior. Melania pushed the birther issue, made excuses for her husband and decided being rich was worth more than not being an asshole.

Many of these examples are not shading her husband, but rather being sent to somehow mollify the damage he has done. Notably, the Holocaust Museum and the issue of cyberbullying.

Basil is definitely a delicate herb, which you should add at the very end of the dish.

It’s kind of metallic, chemically, and no matter what meat or seasoning you put on it, the food all has that same taste. It’s extra confusing because of the ceramic pot... There’s no plastic or metal touching the food. And it’s happened with multiple crockpots and I’ve never tasted it with my cooking in normal pots

the latter of which was met with boos and hisses from the crowd. Buddy, read a fucking room.

Trump himself spreads those rumors. He wants the world to believe he’s a virile and randy sex machine to disguise his incestuous yearnings and lust for teen girls. There’s not a woman on earth who’d voluntarily go anywhere near that shapeless wad of jiggling greasy flab and we all know it. He starts and spreads those

Someone to “inspire” them. Because fuck the good of the country, the Constitution, the safety and security of other countries, they need the purest, most inspirational candidate that will make all of the birthdays and Christmases come at once.

Explain to me, Millennials, WTF do you want? What will get you off your asses and voting? Because if this dystopian level nightmare we are currently experiencing is NOT ENOUGH to motivate you to vote, then what is?

I used to wonder why this happened, but Democrats face a challenge that Republicans do not. As an instructive aid, sometimes I practise thinking like a Republican (I won’t call them conservatives because they are radical extremists in every sense of the word), and it is soooooo relaxing. Simplistic clichés in lieu of