Roe was more about letting doctors practice as they wish and maintaining privacy. It was more about doctor’s lib than women’s lib.
Roe was more about letting doctors practice as they wish and maintaining privacy. It was more about doctor’s lib than women’s lib.
Thanks. With all the regressive shit going on, especially the new GOP move for a 6-week abortion ban, it feels like there just aren’t’ enough voices. I’ve been signing a lot of petitions from Daily Kos, and I have been frequently calling and writing all of my reps (state government, too) and I feel like it’s…
I’m in Indiana (barf) and I’ve called and emailed several complaints to Joe Donnelly, who is one of those anti-abortion Democrats. Basically, my complaints are that as soon as there is a pro-choice Democrat running to replace him, I will vote for that person instead unless he changes his policy. I know it doesn’t…
You’ve summed up this country quite well.
With the recent news of Hugh Hefner’s death, it’s brought up some rather nasty shit about how gross Hef was in real life. In Star 80, the Mariel Hemingway biopic about Stratten, Hef is shown to be a pretty cool guy, and tries to keep Stratten’s abusive husband away. Not to be sleazy, but to help her find a more stable…
I was just commenting about this on another article earlier this evening—a guy made the very astute observation that women have it rough because it’s hard to tell a guy to stop because we’re trained to be too polite. And he’s half right. We also know that we have to be very delicate about the guy’s feelings—not…
It’s great that you seem to have a good handle on the issues. Hopefully, men like you will be able to teach young men about this.
Trump is a nightmare, but Pence is the real danger. It’s not going to be as easy as using the 25th Amendment because Pence has actually done damage, and wants to hurt women and minorities even more. And unlike the Orange Menace, he actually knows what he’s doing. With our current line of succession, no matter what,…
Absolutely. Anybody with an artistic eye is sick to death of his “technique”.
It will take 2 generations dying off to make a difference. Our culture is pretty big on victim-blaming and I don’t expect a significant change until old farts with antiquated opinions are replaced by more open-minded people.
This is why “job creators” need more tax breaks. SMH
Especially now that I have read about her reports of what went on at the set *shudder*
Bjork in Dancer in the Dark—probably the most powerful and vulnerable performance I have ever seen. I don’t think I can ever watch that movie again because it was just too real.
Oh wow. Now that they’re lined up, I can see they’re not the same person; they just have the same makeup/hair/wardrobe people. Fox News ladies always look like they are playing sexy weathergirl for a porn.
They have to protect their “Purity Of Essence”. If you haven’t watched Dr. Strangelove, I suggest you check it out.
This article from The Atlantic has really soothed my soul. It made sense of why batshit crazy people like that feel so secure in their beliefs—it’s the “magical thinking” that is part of America. I can’t change it, but I understand it a lot more now.
Yes, I knew they weren’t going to make their own currency.
If they change currency, I wonder if the federal gov’t would reduce the amount Virginia gets from “Damned Librul Elites”, or rather, “Donor states” since they have been getting about $1.50 per $1.00 in taxes. They’re basically a welfare state—and have been since at least the 80s. Here’s a list of which states are…
an anti-abortion Republican,