
It appears you have bad taste. I’m terribly sorry!

If you begin to feel an intense and crushing feeling of religious terror at the concept of the BMW E46 Compact, don’t be alarmed. That indicates only that you are still sane.


That is a pretty damn cool gig. No offense taken.

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

Looks British. Dog show winner ribbons and RHD MK2 Mondeos are pretty rare in Florida...

Your’e right. The V8 was the Toyota team and it was a whole 0.1L off.

I’d have to go with what Finnegan said about the “erotic” noise a Cummins makes.

I stopped the video at “roll coal.” I’m done.

This is the country that just opened its borders to any and all Syrian refugees, I think we can let the Nazi shit drop.

“Any more disrespecting my disrespecting and I am going to throw all of my toys out of the pram.”

“As an engineer, I wonder if I should start every sentence with “as an engineer...”

Guess it’s time to start using the /s tag again. I think I’m 0 for 4 on people getting the joke.

I raced once with a sprained ankle. You win.

2 lap stints... then a cool down and recharge for 20 minutes, repeat.

I don’t think it would be any more or less reliable than having it come from VW.