
My fabric-buying side winced at watching what I can only assume is very expensive Japanese denim (that stoff is beautiful but pricey!) being mauled, but my animal-loving side says, sure, why the hell not (I just hope the indigo isn't harmful at all).

Yep (comment taken in spirit it was made). Acute renal failure is a very real risk to athletes if they do not consume enough water and electrolytes to replace what is being lost.

Yep. And purposely dehydrating yourself will actually have the opposite effect—it will inhibit your body's natural detoxifying organs (the kidneys and liver) from being able to function properly, thus increasing the toxic load in your body. Science is hard. Magic is easy.

The happiest time of the year! The Body Issue!!

Reading your blog now...yes! Also from NYC. I totally agree—no ambient sound. Hot and cold tap water from entirely different sources and clean clean clean air. Plus the people are pretty nice, in an at-arms-length Scandinavian way (which I prefer). Ugh, I haven't been back this century—going to check airfares

I've been four times. I LOVE it there. So quiet, so stark, so beautiful. If you get a chance, head up north to Akyurari. It's just 100km from the polar circle and it's like being on the moon. Lake Myvaten, which is in the area, is great for birdwatching.

I've been a bridesmaid a couple of times—meh. But I'm the same kind of weirdo you are re: jury duty. I've been through several voir dirs, but have never been selected and I would kind of like to be part of the whole civic process.

One of the most infuriating things about this decision (besides the obvious misogyny) is that the science is just plain bad. The Supreme Court has said that just because an individual or group believes a *fact* to be untrue, it can change the facts. The contraceptive methods listed do NOT cause an abortion, they

So can they just avoid covering pharmaceuticals outright?

I don't know—when I run NY Road Runner races, the start is sometimes held up because of some obstruction or hazard on the roadway. In fact, before they hit the start horn, the phrase you will always hear is, "Do we have clearance on the roadway?" It's part of the organizing/execution of a race to make sure that the

The cheer that went up in my office cafeteria when it was announced Portugal scored its second goal was priceless (half the people were confused about what we were cheering about since nothing good was happening in the USA/Germany game).

Where my runners at?

I had a stress fracture in my tibia that developed into a full break. I went to the "best" sports doctor in NYC (you'd recognize him from his tv appearances on marathon Sunday) and after talking to him for three minutes (after waiting 3.5 hours in the waiting room) was told it was probably incipient bursitis. I went

Stoned or sober, I'm thinking your friend and I would get along just fine. I HATED Forrest Gump because of its completely regressive politics.

Double spoiler OITNB and FARGO


She's Taystee on Orange is the New Black. I think she gave the strongest performance this season, and that is saying something because there are several amazing actresses on that show.

This fixed an otherwise crappy day. Thank you!

Ahh, good point. It might be breed-specific.

My vet had me give my dog benedryl (works to calm anxiety) when I had contractors working in the apartment. Chilled him out, caused no harm. Nothing with NSAIDs though (aspirin, ibuprofin), that can kill them.