
Truth be told, I've only ever been around wine that expensive when my rich uncle was visiting the city.

I went to college in Pennsylvania, but am from New York. I always thought it was weird that you had to go to package stores for beer and the ABC for liquor. Then I went to Virginia and discovered that you can buy wine in the supermarket and now I feel like I'm living in a theocracy in New York.

No park drinking in NYC. When my brother got married in a state park, the boozing had to wait until the afterparty at his house.

One of the very last vestiges of blue laws in New York is you can't buy alcoholic beverages in a closed container before noon on Sunday.

I'm not sure if it is still the case (I recall some discussion a while back about changing the law), but you couldn't take any leftover wine with you from a restaurant in NYC. So, you order an $80 bottle of wine and you MUST scarf it all down in one sitting rather than enjoy it over the next day or so.

The Hat has closed? How did I not know that!!! Ugh, there go my 1980s through '90s.

After I had been with a boyfriend for about a year (we were meticulous about safer sex) I suggested that we get tested because I was on the pill, etc. He felt like it would be betraying the cause (like straight people not getting married until equal marriage for all is the law of the land). I wasn't sure how our

I stopped watching about episode 24 or something, for the reasons you state.

It's Colin Hanks (Tom Hanks' son). Fun fact, he was also on a short-lived X-Files era teen drama called Roswell with Katherine Heigl. They were teen aliens.

I would have hated him more if he had screwed over the entire prison population just because he got his dick sucked. But yeah, the scene was gross.

I seriously thought that they were focusing on Daya's pregnancy so that they could make Fig even more eeeevil by forcing her to get an abortion, but nope. It did serve to bring back Pornstache and see him get his what-for though, so not a complete waste of time.

I think the thing that you find out about Poussey and Suzanne both is that they came from supportive families (though in Suzanne's case, not really prepared to meet her needs appropriately despite best intentions). Poussey's dad was so sweet to her but being in the military, was subject to orders. We don't get

I would disagree with you re: placing the story in the B-block—I think her character and the whole storyline was great for showing the diversity of character, motive, ethics, etc. within the black women's population. It gave the series a chance to flesh out these characters with much more complexity as well—about

She was a textbook psychopath. I loved/hated her character.

Regardless of her ethnicity, I don't think she was ever considered conventionally beautiful by any cultural standards. Literature of the time emphasizes her intelligence and wit over her looks as her main seductive characteristics. The fact that she was a powerful leader of large, wealthy nation probably scored her

My sister-in-law's cat makes $87 an hour by working from home. Find out how!

These appear to be farm-raised, but it infuriates me when humans get friendly with wildlife that actually lives in the wild. Getting wild animals used to humans, or seeing them as a source of food only hurts the animal when it approaches the wrong person and human or animal ends up getting hurt. Letting wildlife fear

This is cool. I like that he looked to other climbing animals for design inspiration—like the running prosthetic that takes its cues from big cats rather than the not-nearly-as-efficient human setup.

Not Another Teen Movie destroys the "racing to the airport" scene hilariously. Molly Ringwald's cameo nails it.

Newman's Own was adamantly for-profit. Paul Newman himself said that the profits were donated to charity, but you had to MAKE the profit first (meaning making money above and beyond the cost-to-market) before you could donate them.