Now playing

I placed this as a reply to someone else, but really, it needs its own post:

Hashtag me surprised—I taught ESL for about a decade and on a couple of occasions when there were no men in the class, a Saudi woman and an Iranian woman each uncovered their hair to show the non-Muslim women—their hair was gorgeous, shiny and really healthy-looking! I assumed (to the degree that I gave it any

Hey, maybe there's some hope in clinical trials —I'm currently preparing to do one for a different neurological disorder. Here's a listing for the US (don't know if that is where you are, but I'm guessing from the drug cost quote that you are.). I hope you are able to find relief.

Ha! I had a dude once suggest that I lose 20 pounds. I said, "Guess what, I am losing 180 in the next five minutes." I then told him to fuck right off.

I've taken saying it's like The Red Wedding in my pants because then they have to associate G.O.T. and ladytime.

I'm pro-quadcopter and other civilian drone uses, but if someone is going to harass someone with the thing then I'm saying that the person being harassed *could* probably make the case that they felt they were in physical danger. Certainly if humans are allowed to shoot other humans simply because they felt

You could probably make a case for self-defense. It looks like something that could physically harm you if it made contact, you were protecting yourself from it.

3 a.m. is know as Zoom O'Clock in my apartment. Two cats, both just over a year old.

Is there any treatment for narcolepsy? I've always been weirdly fascinated by it. It seems like a terribly disruptuve disorder. I have chronic insomnia, so I'm not unfamiliar with sleep disorders. I'm always tired, but I have almost never fallen asleep without intending to.

I'm not really sure that it is being directed at either gender—unless you're deducing it because it's on Jezebel. I think it is a bad idea to have sex with someone else who is too drunk to properly consent, male or female, in any combination. If you are comfortable drinking enough to lower your own

My friend's mother was raised in a Magdalene home. Her stories are bone-chilling.

Obama truly is the worst at this sort of thing—in that with all of the shootings and horror, not a single restriction has been placed on gun ownership and in fact gun rights have expanded under several SCOTUS decisions. I'm almost ready to form a counter-conspiracy that the conservative wing-nuts invented Obama so

Thank you for that—I'm involved in the Skeptics movement (as you describe) and it is super frustrating when we have meetups and inevitably some climate-change denier or "truther" of whatever flavor shows up thinking they've found allies. Fortunately we are pretty well practiced at dealing with them. A few months ago

I heard the term "chrondescention" somewhere—it's the idea that humans in the past were not as clever as we moderns.

Have you seen the Glenn Close "Schizo" ad? Her nephew has schizophrenia and is in the PSA. It goes after this idea of mental illness=dangerous to society idea really nicely.

I used to listen to Alex Jones for the hilarity of it because waiting for him to rage-stroke on air while ranting about the illuminati was worth the price of admission ($0.00). Within 24 hours of Sandy Hook, he was promoting the hoax theory and I haven't been able to listen since.

My late dog and my current two cats were/are all black. Your hypothesis isn't completely off base (though more to do with shedding, not animals as fashion accessories.)

What's interesting about so many of the comments is the assumption that an image of a girl, of any race, nationality, age, captive status, etc. needs to be used at all. People are dismissing the concern about the use of this image because "stock photos are used all the time" and stock models who, one hopes, are not

My brother works in stock photography, it is an industry which licenses images from photographers (who are paid for their work), sometimes it is freely available to the public, usually it isn't. Just because an image is on the internet does not make it "stock"—these photos were stolen from Ami Vitale's website, and