
I live in Queens, off the 7 train. My commute to midtown East is 25 minutes, and that includes a transfer. The 7 is the hidden secret to happiness (even when it is shitty, it isn't as bad the the F that tortured me for a decade). It connects to almost every other line.

I used to teach ESL at a private school (adults, mostly bankers and diplomats and their kin) and the elevator was often the locus of much confusion. In the West, we are taught, a gentleman would allow a lady to enter the elevator first. In Japan, it is the gentleman that enters first. Tiny elevator, a lot of

I can't wait for onions on belts to come back. Maybe this time we can have the red ones! Screw you Kaiser!

Almost there myself. Demographically, I’m on the leading edge of Generation X and nothing that anybody is saying about hipsters is new, and nothing they are doing is new. I was well into adulthood before I purchased clothing retail or even new, in no small part due to the terrible economy that I graduated into.

Well, it happened for Beethoven.

I had to use some ringworm drops on my kitten after bringing her home from the shelter. The vet was distracted as I put a couple of drops on my kit's muzzle. She started foaming at the mouth and doing that kitten-jump-back thing trying to get away from herself. The vet then mentioned that I should probably just use

so grammar

Yes, you can really bash someone's belief it that belief is hateful. Just because you have a quotable handbook of bigotry, you don't get a free pass from being called out on it.

Probably similar to how Bronx, NY is almost exclusively referred to as The Bronx, which is not the official name of our northern borough.

I love facts like these! Also, without beer, no pasteurization or electric refrigeration, which are also useful in reducing disease. Well, they might have been invented at some point, but my point is: Beer!

I both sew and live in NYC so Spandex House (the happiest place on Earth, fuck you Disney) is my heaven. I've made people smile with my running tights that are: tartan, have old movie images of Hedy Lamarr, are covered in honeycombs and bees, or are wood grain. Whether it makes me edgy or not, I don't know, but

If I'm not mistaken, there is a large Christian population in Korea (Methodist, from what I can tell by churches here in NYC), so I would assume that antisemitism would have flowed from that. I'm guessing that Japan's historical resistance to Western colonization probably spared them that fate.

So when my dog sniffed people's crotches, I should have handed them a bill for diagnostic services instead of an apology? Missed opportunity...sigh.

Just make sure it adheres to your lease agreement.

You can create shopping lists online and print them out. A lot of merchandise has to be "picked" from a huge warehouse area (you do the picking) and the printed list will indicate which bay and shelf the item is located in. Also, assume you will spend about 50% more than you intended. Whoever designs their layouts

No dogs, we wouldn't have survived through ice ages. No cats and agriculture would have ended after the first stores of grain were wiped out by rats. I have zero respect for any culture/religion/personality quirk that does not recognize that without these animals, we as a species would not be nearly as dominant as

Beret of poodle, on my noodle!

I'm sure I read it here first that the contraceptive exception battles playing out right now were a toe in the door to broader discrimination—As an rationalist, can I refuse to do business with anyone that fails grasp the basic law of physics and theories of biology? Like can I give a quiz and decide whom I can

Back in my day, the Olympics were for amateurs only, but I guess since they now allow professionals...