
Since it's spoonflower, you can order the design in several different fabrics, from canvas to silk.

I've discovered that I have no patience or time for anybody whose primary self-identity is based on something they were born into. If you're into similar things as I, we can have a conversation. Certainly your race/gender/sexuality will be a huge part of who you are and how you navigate the various interests that we

I wonder if that's entirely the case though—the highest unemployment rates are among young adults—which means they have a negative (as in minus, not plus-not morally bad) impact on the economy right now. Perhaps a lower birth rate will permit a new equilibrium to be established. I don't know how many of my

This is interesting. I wonder if, facing a declining or stagnant economy, families decide that if one parent can't work or can only find crappy employment anyway, might as well take advantage of the situation and have kids (as opposed to disrupting a strong career). Have kids, raise them until they are school age

I'm 48 and I've wondered for years if I have this. I didn't finish grad school because I just couldn't focus enough. I am praised by friends and family for having such varied skills and always trying new things. My brother recently joked with someone who was saying how amazing I was for learning to brew beer—"yep,

I had been having a terrible time with my boss due to his tee-up words, which I took a bit too literally. He would always state a request/assigment in "We need to..." which to *me* meant he was taking the lead on the project and that I was providing info, code, reports, etc. as needed. During one review during which

How do they work?

It's looking at vaccine-preventable diseases. As yet, there is no vaccine againts HIV/AIDS.

Unfortunately, even old-school animal documentaries resort to some shady shit.

I kind of like all the women on The Big Bang Theory for how un-newsworthy they all are (at least for the reasons that most celebrities are in the news). They are all on one of the most popular television shows of all time and none seem to exhibit the insane behavior that we've pretty much come to expect from anybody

I wonder if Martin Sheen and Tom Hanks ever get together over a scotch and talk about their boys.

Ugh, stop factsplaining stuff! I like my human rights heroes bleached and sanded down to smooth little quotable ping-pong balls that I can bat around with a kitten, not actual human beings taking a stand against injustice and oppression and calling out so-called allies for tacitly allowing circumstances to proceed

Yeah, that's fear functioning as it's supposed to: to protect you from something that can actually kill you. It would only be a phobia if it was so overwhelming that it interfered with your normal life, like the only way to get to work is via a highway, but you can't drive on it because of your fear of 18-wheelers.


An adult friend of mine who is terrified of butterflies says it's because of the erratic movements. I don't recall this fear—I was also once afraid that the Goodyear blimp would crash down on me (?!). I've got more common fears now, like flying and claustrophobia.

I don't trust someone who fears felines or dislikes dogs. Humans owe their existence to both these creatures, respect is due!

If I'm looking at someone judgementally, it's usually because I'm thinking, "how much longer is that dude going to be doing curls at the squat rack?" Other than that, I won't notice you and don't care what you look like. Mama's there to work.

I wonder if he realizes that condescension is an emotion too?

[eyeroll] This is total bullshit. Everyone knows it's Reptoids, not Nordics that control the US government.

Babysitter canceled so they brought the baby? If they had tickets to the opera (or other ticketed event in similar price-range/audience expectations) they would have brought the baby? I fail to see how this is any different.

Whew! Now that a man has confirmed it, we can all believe that what we've been saying happens all the time actually happens.