
I dated a lovely man once who was feeling more romantic than I was at a given moment. I was so sleepy and tired and he was being quite cuddly. I said I was tired and just wanted to sleep and he kind of whimpered a bit and I finally said he could go ahead and do what he wanted to, but I was too tired to participate,

Just as attractive means different things to different people, so does funny. He listed a bunch of men whose humor is generally directed at middle-aged men—it's a market and they exploit it. If a woman says she wants someone who makes her laugh, she means someone who makes HER laugh, and that *might* not be a dude

Then immediately binge watch last season's Vikings and tell me you'll be watching this upcoming season so I have somebody to obsess about the show with It should definitely be Jez approved watching too, as the women are insanely great!

It worked on me when I was a kid. I really wanted some wine because the glasses and the color were so pretty. Finally my mother let me have a sip and I don't think I tried it again until I was in my 20s.

I was out on Saturday evening, 7-ish and a group of people came in baby in tow. The bartender was priceless: She gave them a big smile, gestured toward an open booth and said, "Hi! Great to see you," and then under her breath just loud enough for me and my companion sitting at the bar to hear, "you brought a

Sort of sums up the difference between Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts (as organizations, not individual members). It does seem like the Boy Scouts are at least trying to get their shit together to the extent that Girls Scouts has had since its inception.

Man, I love when I accidentally end up cleaning a room or my entire apartment! Like when you start off just trying to deal with some little thing (a spill in the fridge, a splotch on the bathroom mirror) and the next thing you know, your chores are done! I'm a notoriously bad housekeeper, so I totally get the

This powdered peanut butter you speak sounds magical! Where does one purchase (because I'm too lazy to google and wanted to respond to get you out of the greys.)

I have a Ninja and I love it! Here's my post-workout morning smoothie:

And even Veselka isn't what it was in the 80s and 90s. 4 a.m. kasha vernishka! I annoy my 20-somthing nieces with tales of the East Village and LES from "back in my day," while adjusting the onion on my belt.

Well fundamentalist Christians should be all right with it—it's the very definition of traditional biblical marriage.

My cousin's husband worked camera on the Chicago scenes. No spoilers, but we can expect some fancy schmancy technical work (as usual with the Wachoswskis). He said he's never feared for his life more while working on a film but that they are amazing directors and just great people. I've been looking forward to this

The theramin sight gag was worth the price of admission for this episode.

I guffawed at the jazz funeral scene because just a few episodes bodies were bursting out of earth graves (which is not how the dead are disposed of in NO) to be part of LeVeaus army, but now we see someone interred in a crypt?

Thanks! I sort of knew that Finland was a special case in WWII but you've summed it up nicely. I are a history-dumb 'Murrican.

Ignorant question, and yes, I could Google it but it looks like there are a couple of Finns on here (based on name spelling), but why does Finland get its own color as opposed to the white "neutral" designation?

I read it before the Taliban or the Christian fundamentalist (overt) war on women and was terrified. Almost every day I'm reminded of that book.

It's kind of nice too, when I do hug my friends and they tell everyone "TheWireMonkey even *hugged* me!" because they know it actually means something, not just social protocol.

Well, it is kind of forced on adults too—the hug has replaced the handshake in almost every context but business. I hate it.

My good friends know that a hug has to be earned—not just for saying hello or goodbye. If I'm with new acquaintences I just tell them, "yeah, I'm not really a hugger." I hate that hugging has replaced handshakes in the past couple of decades.