
Swatch, the Boston Terrier at Mood (of Project Runway fame) patrols the floor on weekdays. Not sure if he's there on weekends because it gets pretty overrun by tourists which might be dangerous for him. He's really gracious about having his picture taken. A lot of the fabric stores in the garment district have

You'd think the Paleo crowd would be all over this, preaching to the rest of us that this is how our ancestors ate.

I've read that introverts are often more comfortable on stage or when speaking to a crowd but sort of shut down when they have to interact one-on-one with people. I know I'm definitely like that. Teaching a class is easy, dealing with individuals or small groups and making "chit-chat" is incredibly hard for me. I

One of the things I learned from getting my SNPs sequenced through 23andMe is that I have the gene(s) for bitter taste perception

I doubt he'd consider it assault if it happened to an adult woman. This man breaks my heart every time he opens his mouth.

It was more along the lines of "slavery is just not that cool—hey, poor guy or new immigrant guy, here's a musket!"

I'll try the magnesium and feverfew, thanks.

The best shape I've ever been in was the years I was in graduate school. If I felt like an idea was "stuck," I'd hit the gym and be thinking clearly again within the hour. Also, I was broke-ass broke and the gym membership was a perq of being a student and was the only entertainment I could afford. I called it the

So what do you do when not being able to exercise anymore is breaking your heart? I used to be really active (had even worked part time as a trainer) but about a year ago I started feeling terrible and every attempt at exercise, whether cardio or resistance or even yoga leaves me with a migraine and in bed for two

I think what I like most about this collection is that you can see it looking great on a wide variety of body types.

Ooh, can I be a bridesmaid? You obviously have great taste, so I wouldn't have to dread the bridesmaid's dress!

Though not the point of her project, I think it would have been hilarious if she had included a picture of herself as Cindy Sherman. Because.

Ooh! Good to know! I will have to google titer tests and their meaning now though.

I rescued a little feral kitten a couple of summers ago on 3rd Avenue in midtown—it was just hopping around trying to get at something on the other side of a Duane Reade window. Long story short, I had to get rabies shots. Totally worth it.

Except then the owner would think, OMG! What a cute idea! Concentration Camp yoga!

To be fair, maybe they meant *this* ghetto:

You may not notice it because you don't engage in it yourself. My brother doubted my claims of harassment in our neighborhood so I told him to walk across the street from me while we passed a (sigh—stereotype alert!) construction site and he got to hear all of the things that they were shouting at me. Here's the

I have a cousin who used to be an OB/GYN. We were flipping through channels and came across "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." I asked her if she ever encountered anything like that (she had been practicing in the rural south). She said it wasn't that uncommon for a young woman (13-15) to give birth and insist up down

Writer4003, here's your mistake. Forget using the example of a woman following a man around saying these things. The example that works is ask them to imagine a man following them around saying these things. A man who is a good 20% bigger than they are. Now it's a group of men doing that. And several times in the

I posted elsewhere in this thread, but the other day when somebody told me to smile, I just dead-eyed him and told him to do ten push-ups. He looked very confused and I walked away.