
Wait, he came out as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender? That's quite a feat!

The cattiness and cliquishness and bullying I ignored in high school reared its head at that time. Honestly, I found it mind boggling. There were some extraordinarily emotionally underdeveloped people in my program.

I just got my Facebook invite for my 30th (thirtieth) reunion. I have so far ignored all of the previous reunions because even though I was somewhat involved in activities—drama club, track, cheerleading (long story...), Latin club, etc., I never really felt all that connected to my classmates. I always felt like I

Most photos taken for editorial purposes (i.e., to illustrate a news story) are owned by the photographer, and in commercial use the photograph is owned by the photographer, but the person's *image* is still owned by the person and cannot be used without permission, even if the photographer sells his or her rights to

I just don't get how someone is allowed to profit off of your image without your consent. I am very familiar with the stock photography world and using an image requires not only a license from the owner of the image, but the person portrayed in the image, e.g., you might license a picture of Madonna from a stock

Yeah, I'd have to say that the majority of my stress comes from other people, even people I like. Most of my friends know that I will bow out of just about any social situation after about 2 hours, earlier the more people there are. Dinner or drinks are fine, hiking or a road trip—unlikely—it's either family or solo.

I'm sure there are more diseases that a human can catch from another human, than there are we can catch from a dog.

"They knew there was this unusual bacteria in her bloodstream. The lab had trouble identifying it."

Totally stupid, but the Wilde-Sudekis pairing makes me happy. I thought she was OK on House (when House was still watchable), but I love her twitter feed.

There's enough room in my sandwich for cheese from Vermont and Wisconsin! I love Vermont, it's the Canada of America.

SO annoyed at my best friend having her baby in the hospital two weeks ago. We were trying to come up with the most absurd, sitcom-y style birth: in an elevator, during a blackout (or cab, during mammoth traffic jam, also during a blackout), with the only person on hand to assist being a minor character with

We're definitely in different places, emotionally, because when I think of space I think of peace, solitude and blessed, blessed silence.

You can tell Ariel Winter is away from her mother's influence. She looks adorable and comfortable in that dress.

As long as she avoids the Disney factory she should be fine. See: Dakota Fanning, any of the Harry Potter kids, etc.

Here's a nice little summary of how Roe was argued and decided. It left open the possibility for some regulation, but there are several states that have pushed the exception (which is applied to the government, not the woman) to the extreme:

Pretty much what the others said, but I'll add my 2 cents. As horrific and obvious as some cases seem to be, and as amoral as some defenses appear to the public, it is the attorney's job to give the best possible defense to a client. To not do so would endanger the guilty verdict due to malpractice. It is also

Yes! When I was in high school in the 1980s, I actually had to sit through sociology class and be told that children from "broken homes" (does anybody use that expression anymore?) were destined to be amoral and without values. It was said in such a matter-of-fact way, and even showed up as a question on a test. I

Good point. The little structure he's in just looks so...precarious. I kept waiting for the polar bear to just smash right through it and enjoy a snack of bipedal "seal".

No, because those things still exist.

Dolphin flashmobs are sooo 2009.