
@Shaukom: My cousin married his wife in Virginia just 14 years after that decision. The world would be a much poorer place without them and their amazing kids.

@the_amazing_doug: My brothers and I use Lose It! Not only do you track your food (it gets easier as you go along because you build a "library" of food) and exercise, but it also breaks down your macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) my only suggestion for improving it would be for them to provide a little

@ceez: Doing just cardio on an empty stomach kills my appetite, to the extent that I've got to force myself to eat after a half-marathon. Lifting weights, however, makes me ravenously hungry. I'm guessing different hormones are released depending upon the type of exercise.

I was there and plunged in a Wonder Woman-esque outfit. Such a great way to start the year!!

So basically they want a Roomba with tits?

@yaylo: Excellent!

@BuffySummers: The average Atkins plan provided 1200 to 1800 calories per day. Most "diets" do that. So, it is still calorie restriction.

She said she prefers to wear traditionally masculine clothing—her wearing a bikini in no way contradicts this, perhaps her preference would have been board shorts, but all she had was that swimsuit, which she didn't enjoy wearing at all. The argument the school is making fails by its own logic.

@em.: Palin's got 99 problems, hunting ain't one of them. I, too, am a vegetarian and avoid wearing leather whenever possible. I find the factory farm system cruel not only to animals, but to the people that work in the slaughterhouses. I'm not a fan of hunting and wouldn't do it myself, but at least it puts the

Hey, Waters gave Depp credibility beyond bopper-hood when he cast him in Crybaby. Bieber could do worse than follow those footsteps.

@marciax3: You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.

@miamaya: My gym has a pretty good supply of crapazines to distract one from the horrid music.

Why is this "worse" than, for example, bellydancing? Most of the moves in the pictures and videos posted below are identical to aerial silks (think Cirque du Soleil), for which I've taken classes and are darned HARD.

@Princess Leela: Beat me to it. The registry is voluntary and is there to crowd-source data. One thing the adult registry discovered is that people who track their intake tend to keep weight off. You know what, that's interesting and helpful if you're trying to keep weight off.

@Sugarshock: Five years ago was the last time I competed in powerlifting. Nothing like the feel of a 335 barbell across the shoulders—still miss it. I love showing people my "Barbies" (trophies) and I too would laugh heartily at clients who were afraid of bulking up suggesting they talk to competitive athletes who

@gametedisease: A few questions: what is the nature of your disability? If you can't run or walk well, maybe try the recumbant bike. Some gyms have hand-cranked cardio machines that can help you get your heart rate up without relying on your legs. A rowing machine might be appropriate too since that is primarily