
@cottonstar: It's Peaches Geldoff, British fameball (and daughter of musician Bob Geldoff)

Part of why I love her is because she demonstrates that it is not only OK, but absolutely awesome to grow and even *look* old. She, like Sidibe, seems perfectly comfortable in her own skin and resists the pressure to tighten/tuck/laser herself out of all recognition.

@Flackette Goes Retro: My father left my mom with five little kids (6 mos to 6 yrs) and it certainly didn't make the news.

@sebluver: Funniest comment so far!

@thesadtomato: I *hate* doing dishes and have several times successfully employed the "I get really turned on when I see a man doing dishes" line, driving home the point by feeling him up when he actually does them.

22 years ago I lived in a squat full of artists, bohemians and slumming petit-royals in London. One of my housemates' cousins was dating her and she stopped by on occassion with him. Very sweet and incredibly shy girl at the time. I feel so old because I think she was in high school then.

@RestroomOccupado: I was tortured by two evil-sister roommates in college who played Beatles non-stop. I can appreciate their place on the rock-and-roll timeline, but cannot bear to listen to their music.

My brother and his wife have different last names. His wife and her daughter have different last names. He and his dna daughter (via his wife) share the same last name. All three family names are from different ethnicities. I think it is pretty cool. My mother, on the other hand, has always had a chip on her

I'll make sure to get up in time to see it this year!! Gay Pride weekend is sort of the mega-prom for teh gays.

@madeofawesome is a bamf: I had the same experience and I live in NYC where "car" shouldn't make a difference. I was stuck at home with my dog rather than parents for several weeks. The person who took me to and from the hospital for my surgery came from out of town and had to take two days off work because nobody

@Anne Boleyn: Demi Moore and I are more or less the same age (she's a couple of years senior). After St. Elmo's Fire, and for the next 10-15 years, everybody told me I looked just like her. Seriously, strangers in the street would stop me. Not so much anymore. I've got a hint of jowls and lines across my forehead.

If you are at all interested in joining a gym again, or trying one out, I suggest looking for one of the little "mom & pop" style facilities that dot NYC (especially Queens). I used to be a competitive weight lifter (NOT bodybuilder!!—I actually had to pick stuff up in competition) and worked part time as a trainer.

Last year I started experiencing pain in my right leg after starting to run again after 25 years of not running, but still being quite active. I'm a paragon of "healthy at any size" for the most part: perfect blood pressure/cholesterol/heart rate, etc. but I am about 25 pounds over weight because I like to eat a lot.

@brokenscope: I can dl double mine! Care to hear my thoughts?

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Suffer the Children (blitz edition). I love Carlin's podcasts! Check out his blitz on salvery too.

Flower, from Meerkat Manor, was one of the best female characters ever. She died defending her group. She was, of course, a meerkat, but let's face it, the narration was scripted and she was great!

Do we know that this particular lineup was the bodybuilders? They look a lot more like fitness competitors (I think they called them bodyfitness), which is a category of physical development that encourages smaller muscles, but other fitness skills.

Unfortunately, the producers completely screwed the only surviving member of the original documentary, Jerry Torre. Jerry is a friend of mine and the producers, posing as fans, asked a bunch of questions. When it came time for credit, nevermind a consulting fee, he was shafted because, as the producers said, they

I know Jerry from my neighborhood. I actually knew him for several years before finding out he was "that" Jerry. One of the nicest, most interesting people you'll ever meet. According to him, the Beales were some of the happiest people he'd ever known. They certainly didn't feel exploited by the film and they