So you're complaining about a program that offers you free stuff and how stupid it is for Nintendo to do a soft demo release for its most dedicated fans (platinum members)? Better check yourself son.
So you're complaining about a program that offers you free stuff and how stupid it is for Nintendo to do a soft demo release for its most dedicated fans (platinum members)? Better check yourself son.
EA doesn't deserve money, so no fucks given.
Indeed. I will admit that as a teen I did pirate some games.
Hey, it's not pirated, it's the The Sims 4: Minecraft Edition.
Wonder if there's a class action lawsuit against Watch Dogs. Talk about a huge disconnect between E3 and the final product...
Maybe Valve will get around to actually fixing the Early Access system now instead of doing nothing apart from putting hats in TF2.
Mario Kart 8 is a complete game. it worked on arrival and it had very few if any bugs. Nintendo has NEVER released a game that was broken on release. remember skyrim for ps3? remember how unplayable that was? remember this last battlefield game and how problematic that was? nintendo has not release ANY games now or in…
nintendo ALWAYS waits till very late in development to announce release dates. Theres a reason for it too. Ever notice how other companies announce release dates early? Ever feel like "man how long do they really need to develope that game? I wish we didnt have to wait that long" with those companies? Nintendo doesnt…
They already said Bayonetta 2 would be out October 24th. They don't know Smash 4's Wii U release because they've been busy with the 3DS version which is out on the 3rd of October. Really your whole argument stems from the fact that you couldn't bother yourself to look up said game to see its release date so you…
Mario 3D World + Mario Kart 8 (the two best games of their respective years) with Smash Bros. coming? True gamers need a Wii U right now, forget about the future potential.
I agree. I'm not okay with paying to be a beta tester for a game. I did that unintentionally for Battlefield 4, and can still barely harness my rage over that, since it was the only game I owned on my expensive new next gen system.
I'm trying to be super cautious about Early Access games. I know for some folks there's an appeal, and I understand it, but...I'm just not okay with making this kind of practice commonplace. If I want to be 'part of the experience' of development, I'd sign up for betas, and I'd rather see a game as 'complete' before…
UncleWalty you sound like a spoiled 5 year old who's been proven wrong time and time again but still proceed to babble on with your gibberish.
Ad hominem and Genetic logical fallacies. You're on a roll, might collect the whole set.
Nothing like avoiding the argument in order to win. Enjoy the pool! :)
Anyone who uses the word 'purist' in relation to a hobby needs to go soak their head. Especially when they follow up with an opinion from 'the overwhelming majority.' The elitism of your comments about an automatic and a foot-brake are the kinds of shit that have given Motorcycle riders a bad name for years. Not only…
I need to eat my words. I said a new 3DS model wouldn't include a second stick. With the built in C-stick, a built in NFC reader and speed enhancements? Guess I've got another 3DS to add to the collection.