The White Yaksha

Politics is so stupid. Pence was declared the victor because he was the ultimate stereotype of a sleazy politician? He stayed calm and lied well under pressure? Hooray! Pence is a liar on the order of a common sociopath! Congratulations you have won the debate! He kept ramming Kaine about being a “career politician”

Tim Tebow looks like a more muscular version of the youth pastor who rapes your 13-year-old in a janitorial closet after Wednesday night Bible study. (Son or daughter, well, it depends on what he’s up for that day.)

“He’ll never be [...] a substantial tax payer”

Thith article ith prithleth!

Thanks for making me think of The Far Side today!

Labor is a market. Who is paying food service workers $35K a year with health care (which adds another $10K to that figure).

There must be a moment in the first debate where you can see Donald Trump finally realizing that the other kids were joking when they called him a “master debater.” Mind you, I won’t watch that shit again for money, but I will gladly peruse any gifs of the moment in question.

It’s terrifying that if this man had just a CURSORY sense of self-awareness he’d probably be elected president. Don’t even stop lying or talking about the wall or NATO or outsourcing or crooked Hillary. Just avoid half the irrelevant self-indulgent impulsive own-foot-shooting fuck-ups. Talk about how awesome you are

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

It’s more likely medical discrimination - a guy with a good mind and bad ticker? They probably said, “Screw him. Don’t need the hassle.” They’ll probably try to get a new grad with just as much experience.

I suppose a better way to phrase it would have been “societal wasteland,” but it’s the collective lack of social graces to which I refer.

gotdamned Jew media types musta’ pushed “publish” too soon

She must know some shit. Not that I work at a university, but a $1.5 million buyout for a mid-level administrator seems absurd.

So much time hitting against a wall by himself. Great groundstrokes, but no second serb.

I hate everything about this video. I hate the dorked out Mustang with a burning passion. I hate the obvious moronic driving. But what I hate the most is the drama queen overreaction by the pimple busting youtubers who ran the furthest they have run in their Xboxing lives to pant and stare at a car that was not

For those of you looking for it, here’s the passage in question:

What we need are common sense Mustang regulations.

That settles it. Jack Mitnick for President.

The same people who support Trump will complain that “welfare cheats” are ruining our country. And this will not make them reconsider their position.

That near-billion that he lost through bad business deals... very likely was not from his own personal wealth, but from other people’s money. He swindled poor saps with tales of his ‘great business acumen’, got them to invest a near billion dollars, then drove it into the ground in one year. So they’re out ‘real