
The sorts of responses you get here on Jez every time vaping is mentioned really get my hackles up.

Hah... you may want to lede with what it is actually about next time. Just a thought. You know, instead of a totally unrelated symptom.


I’m adversarial because you have constantly tried to tell me that my quitting smoking is actually a bad thing. I don’t, at all, dislike you for that. I want you to understand that you’re making zero-sum constructs from, at best, muddled studies. And that those muddled studies are the kind of thing I’d hope an

And I’m pointing out that the current “Party line” of the medical community in the US seems to dismiss good method studies and bolster studies with poor methodology. You are doing this yourself by telling people, without reason, that vaping is awful and terrible.

Are you kidding? Drinking from the bottle is one of the few things women aren’t generally looked down on for doing :)

Seriously. I can think of a million ways to open a corked bottle without a screw. I’m also an alcoholic so take that into account.

Star Trek did amazing things with Data’s emotion chip. It was a shame it was basically when the films went into bad writing and cheap ideas :/

Frankly, I’m with you. And courts generally look favorably on parents who use last-resort violence to prevent sexual assault on a child. I can’t even imagine it... but as uncomfortable as it is, I think that is one of many, many few situations I could see myself engaging in actual violence.

I’d hit someone in the face with a baseball bat.

You should stop posting studies where you don’t understand the core physics behind them. Every study you linked is using devices beyond any concept of “normal” use and are akin to saying “someone who smokes 60 cigarettes a day has a large chance of developing cancer”. It isn’t untrue, per se, but it is disingenuous.

PCPs rarely see vaping as a worse alternative and most, as I understand, are very happy to have patients quit smoking in favor in vaping along with the “quit in the end” conversation. It seems the medical professionals who are against it are those who don’t see people day-to-day for their day-to-day health needs.

This is good if it helps people get off smoking altogether, but you still need to be respectful of others.

I’ve often found the largest complaints come from people drenched in other scents. Like a vaper dared to contradict their right to smell only what they want everyone around them to smell.

His lungs have cleared up and he’s been able to come off of bp meds. Let us have it. Damn.

I have no idea who you are or what your credentials are. Your appeal to an invisible authority means nothing. I, honestly, don’t know a single oncologist who has anywhere close to the time to argue on the internet like you do.

See, that just makes you an asshole.

I assume you chase all the FDA papers and avoid any kind of ingestion that could possible not be 100% safe?

There’s the very real aspect of this that vaping is rarely illegal currently and bosses would rather smokers vape at their desks and keep working than losing 10 minutes every hour to accommodation.

I’m not claiming they’re “safe”. Not at all. But you need to make room in your mind for people who can’t just break addictions at the drop of a hat.