
I’ve been encouraged to avoid labels associated with my trauma. I have been encouraged to seek the good in people as opposed to assuming the bad. I have been encouraged by my doctors to confront and learn to accept that what happened to me happened and that it has no bearing on who I am as a person because I’m the

No. I don’t know that. In fact, all of that goes 100% against everything my therapist and counselor have told me about how to make my life normal again.

Want to know something private about me? I was forcibly/corrosively raped a few years ago. A man I was flirting with ended up getting me very drunk and when I said “no” I was steamrolled over and sudden my clothes were off.

Fuck you. Do you really think I’ll just solve the issues by being rational?

Being nice to strange dudes us killed though.

Maybe your insane idea that every woman who ever stands up for herself will be shot has a lot to do with insuring women are passive and worried.

Right. I should just assume I’m a rapist for this conversation?

Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck off.

Fuck you. I have as much a right to go to my room as she does. Which is what happened as soon as she realized she was being crazy.

You realize that you’re being unfair to everyone involved, yes? Equality comes from us sharing burden... not from us sharing betterment.

Then why even try to be more than a passive outlet for men? seems defeatist.

Most men are worried about being assaulted or otherwise hurt. Which happens far more frequently than any violence against specifically women.

Treating humans like humans would be a good first step.

You know what? That is exactly the kind of thing that is bad for our society. All he said was “Hello” and the woman felt threatened? That is simply awful.

This is such a status-quo, normalized response. You do understand that when prison rape is accounted for the VAST majority of rape is against men.

No argument there. I’m a subby guy who was lucky enough to be introduced to a dommy woman through a friend.

God, I’m more excited for TF3. But then again it’ll probably be a microtransaction bash. I’m glad I got a good few years of TF2 before it went all crazy.

What if HL3 is done and finished, but they won’t release until someone solves the puzzle? :p

Sub men can be the worst. And, to be frank, the “created for men” nature of a lot of the femdom porn out there ( I’m looking at you) only reinforces this stupidity. There are a lot of factors, too. One aspect is how male subs greatly outnumber women dominants, and as such their ability to find a real, non-pro

isn’t autocorrect the extent evidence of our school systems’ failure?