
Wow... I mean, we just shouldn’t make Black movies since we can’t properly idealize the era. What white actor could ever be as passionate as Jonze?

Good. Fuck China. Until they give their citizens actual freedom of internet it all just fascism.

I guess matinee prices are lower in Boston?

Hah, even in Boston it has been a $6 matinee!


Because unless you’re wealthy you don’t matter. Men, women, children.

He’s gonna get the book thrown at him. Because he’s Asian and not Irish.

I’m not trying to knock TFA. I’ll be going for the third time this weekend.

Oh hey, it is almost like artists don’t give a shit about your milestones.

You’d do things for pay you’d never do yourself. That’s the issue. Seeing people engaging in sexy for their own benefit is enough.

When individuals are specifically releasing video for their own benefit, I stop pretending I know better.

I dunno. I always fine real people being real people to be more titillating than actors being paid to perform.

You doubt that Disney will milk Star Wars as much as possible? I, myself, can’t see how they avoid the apathy shown with the MCU if they insist on flooding the market.

All of this is impressive aside from the fact that they don’t really account for inflation and as a result EVERY blockbuster that gets released is “higher grossing” than in the past.

It is a pure fact. There’s no room to move on this.

No, they’re people who get off on other people getting off to them. It is, especially, women who feel good when they express their sexuality for other peoples’ enjoyment. It is a pure example of everyone getting the emotional kick they want while avoiding the paid bullshit of pro-porn.

Absolutely. Not at all railing against that at all. Just pointing out, same as you!, that there are such better options from the purely amateur to the small-business-respect mentalities :D

You can easily find actual people who constantly engage and speak as regular people. I’ll check out that link, but when you mix sex and money I almost always see my libido tank.

I want need that hat!