
This is just disgusting.

Isn’t he a rapist?

I actually support Hillary but her minion DWS

No Secretary of State should ever run for POTUS. They simply do not win on account of what they need to do as SoS.

I really can’t see how after all those points your position is still that you think you’ll vote for center-right Clinton.

Clinton already looks awful. That’s called “being Secretary of State”. She shouldn’t run and she knows it. Too many scandals and already-written, recognizable attack ads.

You mean like an openly Socialist candidate who beats any Repub in GE with far better margins than center-right Clinton?

Hillary surrounds herself with some complete fucking idiots.

Clinton has so many existing, inertia-powered scandals (even if they aren’t really scandals) that I’m amazed she’s running. Seriously. If she’s the nominee we’re literally handing two-years worth of negative ads that will be instantly recognizable to Americans from the Repubs.

What? By any sane measure Clinton is center-right.

No network thinks a show about a utopian future where humanity actually had eliminated its crazy can make ratings. What happened to our love of peace?

Likely because “NuTrek” shares nearly zero recognizance for anything that came before. Seriously, I don’t even recognize these characters anymore.

Well, it does. But this isn’t at all one of those times.

These relationships never get good press, and when they do it is snide and still gender conforming regardless of the slant. This should be celebrated!

Knightly played the queen in the earlier scenes while Portman was actually one of the Handmaidens to the queen. In terms of story, it was the point: Knightly was a servant of Portman’s whose job it was to play body-double... and for good reason.

like you had to apply by a certain age if you were born before some date.

*Swoon* Justin Trudeau... *swoon*

I’m curious what process you came through. Was it a longer process?

It is much harder for Americans to gain Canadian citizenship. My Grandmother was born in Winnpeg, but neither myself nor her flesh-and-blood son (my father) can get citizenship.

He’s the PM we need up north. /signed USA Liberals.