
This last Canadian election is going to really invigorate the American Left-base. It always does when we see such close neighbors doing what seems like common sense to us.

His polling, especially in early states, show a far better chance than 1%. In fact, when it comes to general election his margins are far larger than Clinton’s margins of victory.

I’d agree if Sander’s policies and positions weren’t objective and able to be quantified. No matter how you shake it, Sander’s policies help those demographics more than Clinton’s policies would.

There’s more to it than just, “here’s a patch!”

Know who isn’t in those sad, teary scenes? Chewie.

I think Finn is a kind of lite-Khan for TFA. It is heavily implied but not explicitly stated that he goes all Jedi, but that is based on seeing him with the lightsaber (and not using the force explicitly) In each battle we’ve seen with the saber he’s against 1) a stormtrooper, and 2) Ren, who is implied to be only

I’m thinking Finn is TFA’s Khan, and not in the same kind of way, either. Sure we’ve been given a lot of scenes with him using the lightsaber, but all the flags for force-sensitivity seem held by Rey. From the natural piloting to hints concerning her future and the force... I wonder if Finn is more of a Han-type who

If the GOP has taught us anything, it is that we should be resolute in our desires and not settle for less than a total victory.

When you reach the social point where you’re mayor of NYC, retaining that power becomes more important than helping people.

I’ll admit that I have enough familiarity with consensual-non-consent kink to consider that an exhibitionist into deep mindset-play could have done this all with explicit permission.

Yeah. I didn’t even know what Yeti was until a moment ago. Confusing.

I suppose that is part of the issue with the article. It raises more questions and doesn’t have any context. I had a lot of trouble figuring out what was going on since there’s no link or primary document to work off of (which does exist).

There’s so little context here, but I thought that this was someone who (they mention no timestamps) was begging someone to call PD to stop it as it was happening. As in, this was a misguided attempt to stop the rape and we all know why bystanders can get “frozen”.

This is our short memory. We forget that even a scant ten years ago being really into Star Wars still put you into a sort of nerd-othering category that often wasn’t that fun. Social pressures before that were a double-whammy for women: first being the gender assumptions of the time period and the second being that any

I’ve always been a sci-fi/fantasy person my whole life, but it took a very passionate ex-girlfriend to really spark my undying love for Star Wars. I’m ever grateful to her :)

I used to have a desire to be... respected is probably the right word. I had a desire for people in whatever circle I worked/lived in to know who I was and to “look up” to me in a way. I think this stuff is pretty standard self-validation.

And it sometimes feels like we’re all just waiting for someone to piss us off so we can purge some hateful unprocessed rage out of our tarry souls.

The grind in FFXIV was horrible. I played for months early on, and unless it changed you just ran the same instances on speedrun over and over to cap marks for the week then ran the raids in LFR or with guild once a week. It was so mechanical.

I was under the impression that his relationships were D/s-y to a degree by agreement.