I think it looks nice. It gives the Hummer that 'charred' look while reducing the douchiness of the vehicle somewhat.
I think it looks nice. It gives the Hummer that 'charred' look while reducing the douchiness of the vehicle somewhat.
From the picture you posted post update, it's an Eighty Eight. The car looks too big in the pic (even with shutter speed) to be a coupe. The wheelarches are also more rounded, matching those of the Eighty Eight.
Given Nissan's penchant for extreme sports, Nissan's next ad will incorporate this. "Innovation for dolphin jockeys; innovation for all"
Fantastic—I now have NSX fever. The NSX design has to be one the most timeless auto designs in the world. It has an understated simplicity that's absent from most modern supercars (look at the fussy design of the Aventador and the 458 if you don't believe me). Besides the design, the reliability of the NSX is what…
Having taken A-Levels before, I know they're part of the British system. Also, A-Levels are not graded on a 3-6 scale (they're graded on an A-U scale). Unless Einstein went to a hybrid British school in Switzerland, he was probably going through the French or the German curriculum. The French system uses…
I can imagine that this is what went on in the cockpit while attempting to draw the logo:
For some reason, I couldn't type in text without breaking the link. Video is on Streetfire.
While I understand what you're saying about drowsiness while driving, I'm not sure I understand your second point. I thought that talking on a cell phone is significantly different than paying attention to the road. Surely if you are paying full attention to the road, you are less likely to get into a crash, as…
Ah, but will it burn?
Save the Prii!
I remember watching a documentary about Lady Gaga once. Apparently, her screen name was derived from Radio Ga Ga. In fact, her producer wanted her to embody that song.
What the hell happened?? This is her pre Gaga days
Not so much the indicator lights—more so the wheels. Those look far too big for a sports car.
I'm not surprised. Not too long ago Cathay Pacific pilots (indeed any pilot that wanted to land in Hong Kong) were landing at Kai Tek airport (former International airport in Hong Kong).
Well said. While, admittedly, the corporations responsible should bear part of the blame for what's happened, I feel too little gets attributed to the general populace.
Fred Shuttlesworth died yesterday also. He might have gotten a ten second mention on the news.
Very sad to see a marque that once stood for fun with practicality go the way of so many other appliances. The question is, what does Honda have now that is even remotely fun to drive? The Fit is getting a little long in the tooth; they managed to put a pathetic engine in a car that had great potential (the CRZ); the…
Yep-it's Hong Kong. Not sure whether it's HK island or Kowloon though.
You're welcome! Please accept my apologies for misspelling your name, though.